New to site...Check out my Bio a little about me

does Joe always talk in 3rd person? ;)

Ernesto's Just joking.

Ernesto welcomes you to
Gee, Joe sounds like my hero. Congrats on his many accolades. I don't think this would be the way I would introduce someone to a group of people, but to each their own.

Welcome aboard and looking forward to hearing more about your (his) hunting experiences.
Reminds me of that "Seinfeld" episode...Jimmy does this... Jimmy does that it is a little odd.. but hey who am i to say [people here call me odd/crazy etc.] Welcome Joe. hope you enjoy it here at hunttalk.
Nice pic.... I always wondered what "Spam" looked like :rolleyes:

Ya' all wonder why somebody else wrote about Joe, if Joe is a writer?

Well, since you all are interested in Bio's, here is mine.

ElkGunner is one of the most intelligent and insightful people in all of SouthWestern Idaho. As a youth, he set records for most time spent in Principal's office in both the Elementary and the Jr. High.

As a Hunter, he has shot over 500 road signs in the North West, including a season high of 73 in 1998. Including two "Steep Grade, 6%" and a "Road Narrows" sign on successive days. :p

As a collector of ATV parts, he has 12 spark plug wires from various ATVs found on public lands and 4 fuel lines. :D

When he travels to new hunting areas, he will often times throw beer cans out along the road in order to be able to return on future trips. Part of what separates ElkGunner from the common hunter.
Joe, You have to Forgive Gunner and the rest of the Clowns, they are the reason... the reason... the reason... the reason.. the reason (OOPS, Key Stuck) this Site falls under the Minority Status.

Moosie Welcome's you to Moosies site. Moosie like's to hunt durring the Season and goof off the rest. ;)