New Title For Big Stick.


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I have had several requests for a title change. Some say it should be Jose/buzz Morph, others say "Bick Stick, Little punch". I'm open to Ideas and recomendations. If we can have something catchy, funny and still Clean, I might give him a Coustom title....

Any thoughts ?
It is painful to read "recomendations","Coustum" and have it followed by Dumbhorn's perpetual Man Fantasy.

You boys hardly play fair.

Easily the single greatest congregation of Peter Puffers on the 'net.

Oughtta call this place "Moosie's Man Fantasy Board"........................
.... you are easily the dumbest son of a bitch on earth.
are you helping your boy pull the trigger or hiding behind him in-case of ricochet?


New Title For Big Stick.
abortion survivor
Oompa Loompa


Steelhead's Better Half

Larry the Fairy

Pop Cycle Stick Maker


Fellatio Phantom

The Chink

Ovis' MouthPiece

More later.......................
It's good to know my Spelling Pains you :D You will be pained every day cuming to Moosies Place of REAL HUNTERS. Don';t worry it's Jsut like your Jail experiences, It only hurts the first couple times.

I don't think spelling is Impotent :D

Glad you chimed and wished to expound upon your gross inability to discern oblique angles. That was rather informative,though it defies Physics.

Even via the 91's delayed rollers,a 308 bucks a little for a 3yr old. He's 7 now and hip on the Garand,though both attractions would escape you,due solely to your being shorted the firsthand fieldtime.

I bet you swoon Field & Stream though.


Your gang bolsters an uncanny @#)(# fetish percentile,fully exceeding their cumulative knowledge of things outside a Gay Parade.

I find that a touch unusual,though it leaves more of the Outdoors for me.

Appreciate that!..........................
Big Stick.. Thats alot of big words. All I know is I've seen them post alot of pictures of Big Critters and have yet to see any from you, Although a few of the bear's yer kids have shot aren't bad.
is it just me, or does stick seem to know a lot about the gay side of life?