new mexico antelope

I have a price and I have units I am looking at...Ranging from the best in the
state trophey wise with ANT-2-106..and units under it. ANT-2-107 and it's units. What is the big difference between those and say ANT-2-100, which has better draw odds. I can not find a map with my MRS.
Yep...hoping someone has tried it before...finding it though...slowly..lots of scrolling.
No antelope units anymore, just game units. That is why units were not matching.
Found the map after scrolling for a long bit.

Hope it is entertaining!
Hey B, you really need to just go outside and shoot something man...this talking to yourself thing is just going to get you a trip to the loony bin. haha
Vodka and Red Bulls?!? That is my wife's drink! I bet you color it pink, too!!

Really though...never do you hunting homework drunk! You will put in for the wrong unit. I can't remember who it is, but every year he gets ripped on come application time for putting in for the wrong units.

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