New lodge in SE


Jun 15, 2006
Eagle River, Alaska
OK, if this is out of line please feel free to delete.

I have a good friend thats opening up a new lodge in South Eastern Alaska, more specifically, Coffman Cove. It's called Coffman Cove Adventures and he will be running fishing trips and DIY black bear and blacktail deer hunts. He will have skiffs available for the DIY hunts and maybe for the fishing. If your looking to come up next year and looking for something like this just let me know and i'll put you in touch with him. He's a good guy and will take care of you. I am not getting anything in return,
i'm just trying to help out a fellow hunter get his business going.
LOL...........thanks for posting that link, he didn't tell me he had a website up already. You'll see he put "amazing host" in his info and he's not kidding. I've known Gooch for about 5 years now and he's one hell of a nice guy and will go out of his way to help a fellow hunter be successful. I am already working on a trip for blacktails with the wife and a few friends.