PEAX Equipment

New here sayin hey!!


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I was trying to cool off today sitting in my house watching Outdoor Channel. Was watching On Your Own Outdoors for the first time. I guess it was its second show... New Mexico Elk. Thought I would check out this site. I was lucky enough to get drawn for a LE Elk in Utah in 08.
Welcome aboard. Lucky Dog you, Hopefully you'll connect on your Elk hunt and post some pictures and a story. We like that around here. Which Unit did you draw on?
Welcome CaHntr:

Did you say that was an '08 tag. Pics? Stories?

Looking forward to your posts.
I think this forum will grow quite a bit with the show. Greetings from SD.


Got any pics of them Black Hills whitetails? Gotta do that as one of my hunts, soon. Another guy on here, who shall remain nameless, chases those deer every year.

Welcome aboard.
Welcome CaHntr... Do you hunt the Sierras at all? Grew up hunting them and Mendocino National forest.

I hunted X9A in 2006. Have not been able to draw since. My brother and I and two buddies backpacked above Sherwin Ck and came home with 4 deer on opening weekend. My buddies was the biggest, it was a small 4x4. We only had opening weekend to hunt. Great time though, look forward to doing it again.

Got any pics of them Black Hills whitetails? Gotta do that as one of my hunts, soon. Another guy on here, who shall remain nameless, chases those deer every year.

Welcome aboard.
should have some in a week or two. Just starting to test out first trail cam. Good Luck on that hunt the hills is always a great place to hunt.
My tag was for Fishlake/Thousand Lakes unit. It was right at the begining of the rut. Sept13 was opening day. I was luckey enough to get drawn with only 4pnts. Actually I did not get drawn. I got a call from F&G on June 25 (the day I was picking up my newborn boy and wife from the hospital) stating that someone had forfitted their tag and my name was next on the list. Had to call them back so I could clear it with my wife. My brother went with me on this hunt to take some video and help scout.
We got there early Thursday before the hunt. Decided to see if my rifle was still sighted in. First shot and shell would not eject. Rammed it out and shot again, same thing. Luckily I knew someone in town and he let me barrow his rifle. My parents also decided to show up on opening day to do some camping so my dad brought his rifle. That was not the only problems that I had. We went to do some scouting in my rhino and that started to act up. Had bad fuel and did not like the elevation. Went back into town to get some carb cleaner at he local hardware store. We go there just before they closed and my brother ran in to get the carb cleaner. I jumped out of my truck and heard a hissing noise. Turns out one of my tires on my truck had a leak in it. Had to rush over to gas station and beg the guys to stay after hours to replace a valve stem. At least I was done with all the bad luck. Friday we went out scouting again. Did not see any bulls or hear any all day. Not sure were I was going to hunt yet. As the sun was going down we finally heard a bugle. Wanting to make sure it was a bull and not another hunter we followed it. Sure enough, it was a bull with about 10 cows. We go within 80yrd from him. Not a big one, but atleast I had an idea were to start opening morning.
Opening morning we were back at that spot and hearing bulls everywhere. We spent the whole morning chasing bugles but non of the bulls were what I set out for. By 10am the bugling stopped so we made our way back down the mountain back to the truck. Another hunter was hanging around my truck so we talked for awhile. He ended up being a spotter for a buddy of his and did not want to tell us that they were working a bull in the thicket right in front of us. Wanting to see what happened, I put my rifle away and grabbed my bino's to see how it played out for them. I watched them shoot and the bull drop in my bino's. That was cool to see. It ran and died 50yrds off the road. We went over, tooks some pics then went on our way. Later that evening we were using spotting scopes checking out the hillside. Those same guys showed up and hung out with us and did some spotting for us. We heard a bugle less than 100yrds away. My bull come running out of the thick with a bunch of cows. Ran to a water hole right off the dirt road that I did not even know was there. He wallowed a little then turned around back into the thicket. Never got a shot. It was getting too dark and I did not feel comfortable shooting.
Sunday morning we left the truck and started hiking back up the mountain. From the spotting scopes we could see alot of bulls but could not tell there size. Nothing that I wanted to shoot showed up all day Sunday. Tried it again Monday morning. Lots of bulls on the move just not big enough for me this early in the season. (I had all week to hunt)
We were on our way off the mountain late morning when the guys we watched on opening day said to stop by their trailer. They had a trail cam set up at a different water hole that had my bull on it. We had lunch at there camp then went to set up on this water hole. Sure enough half hour before sundown, my bull walks out while I am playing with the Hoochie Mama on a couple rag horns. I could tell he was a shooter. 180yrd broudside right in the boiler. He tried running back into the trees so I put another in him just grazing his neck. Game over on the best hunt of my life.
Sorry for such a long story. I have hunted cow elk in this area for a couple years and my dad used to take us up there before we could hunt for his deer. This was my first Bull. I am hooked and cant wait for another opertunity. It is amazing the kind of people you meet in the field too. The guys that we watched kill theres, hung with us on mine and helped field dress it that night. Next morning they came back to help us get it out. Words cannot describe the time that I had. It was great to have my brother there to enjoy with me. Hopefully the rifle could be on his shoulder soon.

I do not know how to post pictures. If I could email to someone to put them up would be great.
Greetings from Nebraska CaHntr...this is a great place. Like you I just joined recently after watching the 1st show...and in seeing it knew it was the type of show/folks I can relate to.
Hope to meet up in here with you sometime and kick the dirt.
Caribou Gear

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