Yeti GOBOX Collection

Need Help/Advice!


Well-known member
May 30, 2017
Hi guys! Just like all of you, I am getting excited for the upcoming season (Montana Archery). I have a nice group of elk located on public land and I know they will be there opening morning as long as I am the first one there...Just one small problem. My fiancee's birthday is on opening day. I am trying to get her to go out with me, but she is still on the fence. To make matters worse, our wedding is the second Saturday of the season, so I am definitely missing that one (bad timing, I know). Just looking for advice from some of you on how to either get her to go with me or convince her that I need to get out! Thanks in advance.
I'd set the precedent and skip the birthday. Otherwise, you give up archery elk hunting for the first two weeks of season for the rest of the marriage.

Anyway to postpone the wedding? Fake an injury or something and get it postponed until February.
The second suggestion may be a little bold but you do bring up a great point on the birthday skipping!
Little marriage advice, surprise her with something she wants to do on her birthday and make the whole day about her. Don't skip out on the wedding planning for hunting and fully participate in any part of it you can.

Hunt the rifle season and get after them next year. If you want her to go out with you as a regular part of your marriage you need to start her off slow and make every time fun and enjoyable. If you go out of your way to make it a good experience for her she will notice how hard you are trying and will reciprocate. A good starting hunt is grouse, bring some great snack,s maybe some wine and cheese and have a picnic for lunch.

My marriage is worth far more than any bull, and because I have demonstrated that to my wife she in return supports me and helps make my hunts possible in whatever way she can.
I'd set the precedent and skip the birthday. Otherwise, you give up archery elk hunting for the first two weeks of season for the rest of the marriage.

Anyway to postpone the wedding? Fake an injury or something and get it postponed until February.


Just do something romantic for her the week before her birthday every year, so she can brag about you to her friends and then go hunt the opener.

I promise you "kidnap her" and take on a trip somewhere fun with a great restaurant for dinner and she we will so happy she won't care you are gone the actual day.

Marriage is like hunting in that for it to be great you have to put in effort. Don't "road hunt" your marriage.
I like it, great idea there. She's pretty understanding in that these next two or three months are what I live for. I'm hoping to get her into it so that she will just go with me instead of being separated those two weeks each year!
Holy Christ man! find a different chick or move to New Zealand.. you could be screwed for the first two weekends of archery for the rest of your life..
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My answer depends on knowing more about your fiancee's perspective. Why is she on the fence? It sounds like she's a non-hunter, but I'm not sure.

Is she interested in hunting, or would she really just be going on the hunt to spend time with you? Does she enjoy eating wild game? Is she prepared for an elk hunt, physically and mentally? For example, is she willing to tolerate being really still and quiet for a long time, alone, while you're on a stalk? If she's going to spend time with you, will it really feel like quality time, or will you be so focused on the elk that she'll feel left out? Has she ever witnessed the death of an animal, and if not, how do you think she'd feel about seeing that? Things that are no big deal to you and a standard part of the hunt can be a big deal to a first timer. Knowing her hesitations and motivations is key.
My answer depends on knowing more about your fiancee's perspective. Why is she on the fence? It sounds like she's a non-hunter, but I'm not sure.

Is she interested in hunting, or would she really just be going on the hunt to spend time with you? Does she enjoy eating wild game? Is she prepared for an elk hunt, physically and mentally? For example, is she willing to tolerate being really still and quiet for a long time, alone, while you're on a stalk? If she's going to spend time with you, will it really feel like quality time, or will you be so focused on the elk that she'll feel left out? Has she ever witnessed the death of an animal, and if not, how do you think she'd feel about seeing that? Things that are no big deal to you and a standard part of the hunt can be a big deal to a first timer. Knowing her hesitations and motivations is key.

She is definitely a hunter and has shot quite a few animals. However, she has never experienced elk up close while rutting, and that is the one thing I want her to see. I feel like that does something to a person that words can't explain and she has no way of knowing.
Thanks for the replies, guys! I really appreciate the advice.
Don't miss birthdays. Your family is more important than hunting. They are the ones that will be with you once the elk are gone.
You can always get a new fiance. Who knows if you'll be able to hunt next year. I'd say bail out now, that way all you are out is the deposits on the wedding stuff, not the first two weeks of hunting season for the rest of your life. YMMV.
Cracking up at some of these replies! Seriously, explain your dilemma to her. How important this hunt and all openers are to you but how extraordinarily important she is in your life. Give her options, such as a five star resort at another time in lieu of being there on her birthday. Let her know you are absolutely willing to forego the hunt if she wants and mean it (of course it might cost you a five star resort on her birthday anyway) :) Happy wife, happy life!
I'll be hunting in Colorado over my wife's birthday this year. I booked a surprise trip for and some friends to go on while I'm gone. I get to do what I want to do, she sees she's loved and appreciated, and there's no tension on the homefront.
This thread is hilarious, you can immediately tell who is single and who is married.
My wife understands how important September is to me. I bought her a bow and now we spend time together in September again!
Seriously, celebrate her birthday early and make it a special one. Then hunt elk on opening day.
This thread is hilarious, you can immediately tell who is single and who is married.

I F'ed up and we set the wedding for the opening date of deer season. I'm divorced now. Remember it's Not your wedding, It's Her's! And always will be. Heed my words well, young man.
Well you should get a feel of how much time she will give you to hunt. At first my ex didn't mind me going hunting all the time. In Mt. it runs Sept to Dec some years. After a few years she came up with the idea that 1 week should be more than enough and I didn't need to go more than that. Did I mention she's my ex wife ;)
This year make it about her but also get a feeling of what future years will hold for you.
Good Luck.

PS My 2nd wife came into our marriage with her own Winchester model 70 Feather Weight in 7-08. She's an awesome Lady and Life Partner. I'm one lucky guy :)

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