Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Near Disasters!!!



........I know we all have a few.
So lets share some that we now look back on and chuckle, or maybe we don't! :eek:
My near disaster was when I got my first elk. My hunting buddy also got an elk so we had to deal with two that day. I was to a point of colapsing that day from hunger and dehydration. My skin turned clamy and turned grey also. I learned the importance of eating, taking food and drinking plenty of fluids on that day back in 1990.
have had a few of them but the worse one was when My daughter and I were archery hutning up in the kaibab. she wanted to see the grand canyon, look for sheds and do some bobcat calling so I put the bow in the truck and grabbed a rifle. we jumped in my sixwheeler to drive down the dirst roadsafter makeing a few stops and playing around we thought we would head even fater out into some sandy washes to look for sheds...about 60 miles form the truck I rolled the 6 wheeler we had seat belts and a roll bar but my daughters arm go pinned under it as it went to a slow roll...
after i got her out and looked at her arm I figured it was only bruised..then i kinda got scared even though everything was ok.... here I was 100+ miles from the nearest town 30-40 miles from my truck and a good 70 miles from a paved road. and at least 300 miles from a hospitol. Me I can care less about but my daughter is what i was worried about. Even though i have a cell phone and could have made a call for a chopper(celphone works up there). the amount of time that it could have taken for a chopper to get there would have taken at least an hour or so... lots can happen in an hour if your really hurt....

she still likes the 6 wheeler i am kinda intimidated by in now.... we wont be taken it again that far from home, might get a quad soon just to play with on the yote and shed hunting.


Delw, glad she was alright,...I heard horror stories similiar but didn't turn out so well,....and the people quit hunting all together from the ongoing trama.

Elkhunter, I know what you mean,.....Wolfeman had a heartattack last year helping get Missourri Dan's elk out, and he's still feeling it.

I have agood one to tell, but it will have to be tonight when I have more time....
A few years ago in Wisconsin i was heading into my stand which was real close to a bedding area so my plan was to get on stand a good hour before daylight it was a short walk so i wasnt to worried about the time.I arrived at the tree and tied my bow to the hoist rope and proceede to climb up!, now this stand had been there for a whole year and no thinking much about it i just stated up like normal.The stand is a lock-on and i had steel screw in steps going up to it!! the stand was about 18-20 feet up on the high side of a slope.The tree i put the stand in had great cover and i wanted to maintain that so i left alot of branches around where the stand was, so here i am an hour before daylight climbing up to my stand ,about 15 feet off the ground when i reached up and grabbed the next step, pulling myself around a branch that i had left, the step BROKE i free fell 15 feet to the ground landing almost square on my back! when i woke up it was daylight! i sat there for a minute and couldnt remember anything until i staggered back to camp sore as hell and my buddies filled me in on my plan!! talk about weird haveing someone else tell you what you were supposed to be doing! anyway my friend Dave went to my stand and figured the whole thing out and noticed that where i fell about 6 inches away from where i had landed and rustled the leaves all up was an old chisel plow that was half buried , if i would have hit that plow i might not be sharing this today!!!

the precautions i take now are probably overkill but that will never ever happen to me again!!!!

please learn from my mistake and check your stands thouroughly and often during the preseason and during the season, heres the kicker i wasnt the first guy to hunt that stand that week! :eek: :eek:
DKO, I had a VERY similiar experience...right down to the fall and the black-out....and I now do not climb without a safety harness, which could have prevented both of our accidents...
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