Name this sheep country...... and yes it's in the lower 48.


May 30, 2012
SE Wyoming
Did a double take this weekend when I saw this on the hillside. :confused:



Whoa.......... Bet you weren't expecting that! Me either. :cool:




I had heard of an albino Bighorn in Wind River Canyon, Wyoming from several years back. I attributed it to someone with too much moonshine at their disposal. Guess I'll eat crow for that!

Pretty cool to see. Has to be a 5.5 + year-old ram. Can't believe Mother Nature hasn't found a way to 'select' him out of the gene pool.

My dad calls me 'mutant man'. I've seen 5 albino/piebald mule deer, 4 pronghorn, 1 cow elk, and now 1 bighorn. Throw in a turkey I harvested that is Melanistic (complete opposite of albino as it has too much pigment and is complety black) and one Brook trout that had no pigment. Maybe he's on to something................ :eek:

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Great pictures there Cade. Do you think it is a different colour phase or actually an albino? It has survived a few years now and be interesting to see what it grows into and if any lambs are fathered by it with the same genetic traits.
Very cool Ram, Need to let him grow and spread his seed a couple more years.
I finally did a search and someone had posted pics of that ram a couple years ago here on HT.

Stu- interesting that he's still in the same canyon and has survived.

HGWT - if you blow the pics up, he definitely has pinkish lips, nose and around the eys. Can't tell if the eyes are truly pink or not. I'd call him an albino...........
Maybe I'll do a 'mutant' thread and post pics of the albino/piebald critters I've taken photos of and see if anyone would like to share theirs as well.

I've been through that canyon 100 times and have seen sheep a handful, but never him. I find that I see more sheep when my wife is asleep. When she's awake, she insists that I don't 'drift' over the line as I'm looking for critters. I just don't get it. :eek:
I tell her that if she'll look for sheep, I won't have to. That goes over about as well as you'd expect.

Anyway, he's still alive and kicking.
The best way to find sheep in that canyon is to be alone, use the pull outs, and put the binos on a tripod.

I keep thinking I'm gonna see a monster muley buck up there but I never see anything over 160ish.

One time I was driving from Cardston Alberta to Great Falls right at dawn. I saw a group of mule deer bucks about 180 yards off the highway just as the sun was coming up. There were 10-12 of them and I bet the average score was well over 180. I got to look at them for about 30 seconds before my wife started to climb in the driver's seat to drive away. She just doesn't get it : )
Very cool. I thought albino's had red eyes? Wonder if it is just a weird coloration and not a true albino?
Good for her. I wonder how this is going to play out, after the white moose shot earlier this year.

Personally, I don't see a "trophy" in a 4yo ram. But to each their own.
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