Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

My Little Bro


New member
Nov 30, 2005
I've got a 17 year old brother that I've been trying to introduce to this thing we call hunting. We've had a deer hunt and turkey hunt that got his feet wet, but both times came home with a bowl of tag soup. Those hunts offered some opportunities but for one reason or another the trigger never got pulled. Well, we finally changed that!

I've got two areas that I usually see elk in, so opening morning we got ourselves set up in spot number 1 overlooking the hillside and ravine that on most days is littered with elk. This morning there was only 1 and he had horns, never been so disappointed to see bone before! So after not seeing anything else we headed back to the cabin for lunch and a "Bam's Unholy Union" marathon, we were really roughing it with satellite tv on this one

That evening I decided to take him to the Honey Hole, I figured he's my kid brother so I should be able to trust him with the spot We hiked in and got set up by about 3:30 and the plan was to just wait them out and have the elk come to us.


At about 5:00 I saw some legs moving through the trees and told Hunter to get ready. As they cleared we were once again "disappointed" to see two nice 6 points walk out and feed through. Then, at about 5:30 we finally saw what we were looking for...

A herd that consisted 2 calves, 2 cows, and 2 raghorns came jogging into the clearing. The calves were walking right to us and were followed closely by the smaller of the two cows. I explained to Hunter that he could take any one of them that he wanted but that I suggested he take the bigger of the two since it seemed that those weren't her calves. After getting set a couple times only to have a tree or another elk get in the way, Gramama finally stepped between two trees all by her lonesome and......BOOM!

Upon impact she jumped forward about ten yards and stood there. The first shot was right in the wheel house but with her standing in plane view I instructed him to take another shot. This one was a little far back but shot number 1 put her down shortly after. He was excited but to be honest I think I was the most excited!



We lost light pretty quickly so we got some pictures and then got to work on getting here taken care of. We were able to bring down all the accessory meat and a hind quarter that night and then went back the next morning to grab the last three quarters and the head.

Hunting is the easy part!


Hunter definitely had a good time and has now experienced all the aspects that goes into hunting. So now hopefully this will be something that he'll want to stick with and be one of my hunter partners for years to come.
Congratulations to Hunter, and good for you taking the time to get him involved. Thanks for the pics!
TOO COOL!!! I am looking forward to the times my son has coming. School has kept him from Elk Hunting. Tell little Bro congrats!!!!!!!!!!! John
Congrats basser on the new hunting partner first, and then the elk as well.
I don't get the "head" part.. but other then that, Awesome !! :D Congrats, it's good to have another Convert.
Thought we needed to keep it with the meat for identification purposes, so I made him carry it for the pack out. Found out later that we just needed to keep the scalp.
Probably could....but I'm not too good at finding a cow's vulva in the dark without a few drinks first;)
Way to go and congrats to your brother and you for taking him out...

Identification of the head is your story and your sticking to it.... :D

It looks more like he's taking it home as a souvenir

That first pic with the two relaxing, looks like she's even chewing on a piece of grass to look cool for the pic... :D
Congrats on a great hunt and new hunting partner. Your bro is lucky to have you around to take him under your wing. His future wife will hate you forever though.
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