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My 2017 season may be over before it starts


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2009
Southwest Pa.
Back in November I rolled my ankle pretty bad about 4 miles in and hobbled out on it managing to turn it 3 more times in the process. Once back home the doc said severe sprain and I spent a couple weeks in a rigid cast. Still painful and swollen a month and a half later I get a MRI. Partially torn Achilles and ligament damage. Yay. I see the Orthopaedic doc next week. If surgery, it'll likely be a preference point kinda year. If boot and PT, I might be alright. Hoping for the latter.
Thats a real bummer, Those types of injuries take a long time to heal
I tore ligaments in my ankle a little over 2 years ago. I was in a hurry rounding up cows on my ATV. I jumped off and landed in a hole with all of my weight in my left leg. I heard the ligaments snap. I thought it was bone snapping. I was in a walking boot for a long time, but it never required surgery or a cast. My angle is still stiff and not as flexible as it was, but it hasn't kept me from hunting. I injured it in December and was chasing elk the next September like nothing happened. Hopefully you will be as lucky as I was.
That's terrible, but I've been there and this past season as a matter of fact. I was playing basketball with my son when I tried to give him by best white chocolate move I could muster, it ended with his little ass stealing the ball and my ass on the ground in pain after rolling my ankle. This was a single day before archery season started up. I ended up tearing some ligaments, saw an ortho and I opted out of surgery and just went to physical therapy. If you can, I highly suggest not doing surgery and going to PT, they have some great exercises to strengthen up that ankle. I did however wear an ankle brace for the remainder of the year when I was hunting and playing sports, hiking and what not. Haven't had a single issue with that ankle since PT. They have some great ankle braces that will fit in the right hunting boot with socks on, you might just have to spent some cash on new boots to make it fit. Good luck and I really hope you heal quickly and get back out this year. If it's your right ankle that you hurt, maybe we can get a smokin' deal on a pair of ankle braces and split the cost! (My left ankle is my Achilles heal)
Those ankle injuries suck! I blew my ankle out 7 years ago in high school and was in a boot for 7 weeks and PT after that. It still flops over pretty often on tiny terrain differences. Eventually I will probably get it fixed but for now I just deal. I hope for a speedy recovery for you!
Met with an orthopedic surgeon this morning. Partially torn Achilles, detached ligament and cracked fibula, surgery scheduled for April 14. Supposed to be a 3-4 month recovery/rehab so I may be able to get a fall hunt in.
Deer shooter, if you have a Chinese friend ask if he knows of a Chinese medicine doctor. I am about 100 % sold on the old world healing practices.
Met with an orthopedic surgeon this morning. Partially torn Achilles, detached ligament and cracked fibula, surgery scheduled for April 14. Supposed to be a 3-4 month recovery/rehab so I may be able to get a fall hunt in.

When I was 20, I went to grab a friend's dog from running across the street and my foot hit the bottom step and the ice-skating rink at the bottom and twisted enough to tear ligaments and break bone. Went to the emergency room and they brought in an ortho. He looked at it, decided I needed surgery but the power was out and he wasn't risking my life on a power blip for non-emergency surgery. So I had a free night in the hospital and surgery the next day. Ended up repairing the ligament and put a screw in my ankle and a plate and say 8 or so screws to attach it to the bone to keep the bone stable while everything healed. I want to say 10 days in the initial cast to wait for swelling to go down, 6 weeks in a regular cast and then a few weeks in a air brace. A few weeks/months? later they went in and took out the screw in my ankle and I had to take it easy for a couple weeks for that to heal up. He didn't recommend PT so I didn't do it, but I would recommend it just to get the strength back sooner. I don't have the range of motion that I used to but its say like 90-95% of what I used to have so its not really an issue. I went back a year or so later and had them remove the plate and the rest of the screws because the plate was right where my ski boot would put pressure and it was bugging me. When he went in he said it was probably a good thing it came out because bone was starting to grow over the plate. I had a hairdresser in high school that was in a bike wreck and got plates that gave her issues years later and they basically had to re-break everything to get them out. So if you get plates I would have them taken out, but for a cracked fib, I'm guessing you won't need plates. My fib was broken. If you have the guts to stay awake when they take screws(not the plates, you're out for that), I would do it. Its pain free after they numb you, but its kind of cool to be awake for it. Lot of people wouldn't want to be awake. I would think you will be good to at least get out and walk around by hunting season. Maybe not hiking the steepest stuff out there, but you'll be good to get out.
Have destroyed my ankles in my life.
Cracked/broke both with extreme sprains surfing once. Had option of casts but just taped & wore boots & finished framing a house. Ice &
Long lasting mistake.I still have trouble to this day rolling ankles.
Deer shooter, if you have a Chinese friend ask if he knows of a Chinese medicine doctor. I am about 100 % sold on the old world healing practices.

That's a good way to end up crippled for the rest of your life.
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