
My 2011 Bull Elk Video


New member
Jan 7, 2012
Well it's getting closer to September than I think most of us realize. Only three more months before we get to chase wapiti, and this year I think they should be pretty scared. Hopefully this video can get you guys pumped up to get back after it and do some elk hunting.

Last year I drew a Breaks tag for the North side. It was only my second year bowhunting elk and I'd never laid eyes on that country. We hunted hard on two separate trips that totaled 7 days. I think there was only one day where it didn't exceed 85 degrees. It was just dumb hot and hunting was limited to a very few short hours in the AM and only about an hour right before dark. The hunting was tough but we found elk almost everyday and were very close on multiple occurrences. I finally had to accept the fact that I might not achieve my goal of arrowing a bull on film unless I started hunting around Missoula. Well my first day in the mountains of western Montana and I had my first ever bull elk on the ground and on film to boot. 100% DIY Public land here in Montana. Enjoy!

The Bear Creek Bull Video
Nicely done. You both do a nice job telling the story, which is key since all the pretty pictures in the world won't cover a poorly told story. I've been working in tv for 20+ years and most of the folks I've run across don't do nearly as good of a job.

Looks like it was a little more challenging getting the camera set for the up close encounters of archery elk than it is for flinging flies at trout and rifle hunts, but kudos for doing it. I won't even haul my new GoPro on my archery elk hunt this year because I don't need one more thing distracting me. I can't imagine having someone behind me with a camera--extra noise, smell and movement. Good job and congrats on your bull.
Thanks guys. I'd like to be able to tell the whole story from the field but we just didn't have enough planning and foresight in our first year to do that. Hopefully we can tell a better story from the field so it's all as it was. And yes it's a bit tougher to get the camera set up quickly with an animal around. Just today we made it to within 40 yards of a bedded bear and somehow he heard us. Even being that close it was hard to get the camera on him through the trees.
Nice video guys. Congrats on your bull. I know how hard it is to get it all on video. You did well.
Great video, I drew a Nevada bull elk tag this year so this video was even that much more enjoyable. Thanks for sharing the video.
Great stuff, loved the audio pick-up of the bulls bugling.

You guys have done a great job of putting these together, looking forward to seeing next years videos and hunting Montana myself this fall.
If they were out here in the desert, I'd definitely consider paying them to do some of my shooting, or maybe some editing and graphics work. Actually these days, I send some of my edit/graphics work to people across town on hard drives. No difference in sending it across a few states I guess.

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