MT pronghorn

Thanks guys. I can't believe no one gave me crap about the shoulders. Not much meat to start with and then I had to go and punch a hole through both of them. ooops....
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Not going to give you crap for that...I pulled the same thing about a week ago, broke them both. Pretty rare, IME.
Thanks guys. I can't believe no one gave me crap about the shoulders. Not much meat to start with and then I had to go and punch a hole through both of them. ooops....

Better than drilling it right in the ass like a lot of folks do.
Thanks guys. I can't believe no one gave me crap about the shoulders. Not much meat to start with and then I had to go and punch a hole through both of them. ooops....

Nice lope. I'm only going to give you crap about that close up selfie. Painfull
Spent Sat and Sun seeing very few lopes, but coyotes were running rampant and let me warm the barrel. I decided to try a new area this morning and found a few more, but nothing that got me real fired up. Cool deal is we got a record breaking snow last week and nearly everyone was either not hunting due to the mud or staying on the main roads. About mid-day I decided to take my rifle for a walk. I knew there were some lopes where I was headed, but didn't know if there was anything I wanted to take home. I ended up crawling into a few bedded pronghorn that ended up being a group of 37....until they left....then, 36.

I passed this guy by when I was trying to see through the sagebrush prone after crawling 100 yards. He then turned his head and I decided he was good enough for what I had been seeing. Shot him at 175 yards. Happy with the decision. Fun weekend.


This picture threw me off for a second, looked like it was laying in some soap. :)
Thanks. Very happy with what I found. Still miss the days prior 2011.

R7 antelope population, in general, is also no where near where it was pre-crash. Some areas are rebounding OK, others still seem to be in the tank. One can travel a lot of SE MT and see very few lopes in places where pre 2011 you'd see many. Slow rebound.........
Congrats! I love the first picture of you and the dog. He looks like he is smiling!!
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