Mt non-resi goat application


Active member
Sep 29, 2015
Hey guys,
I imagine this is about the most knowledgeable bunch of guys around to ask about this so I'm hoping for a little insight into the mt non-resi goat hunt options.

I'm currently looking at units 313,323,324,325. I'm aware that there is always the possibility of there not being any non resident tags issued in one of those units so I was hoping someone could help me out. Any reason to believe that non-residents wouldn't be issued a tag in any of those units this year?

Any other areas I should be considering?

Lastly, of those units would anyone recommend one over the other?

Thanks for any help!
Non residents are eligible to draw UP TO 10% of a regions available tags. All yours are in R3. I'd say someone will draw a non resident tag from there. There wont be or very very unlikely a tag would be drawn from all of those units. Just put in for the unit u want to hunt. The odds are so low you cant really sway your draw odds, However theres a huge difference in the number of tags between your 4 units.

Theres about 103 available tags in the units you listed. Me? Id put in for the unit with the most available tags. I killed a nice billy in 313, lots of goats.

Both 313 and 323 have a ton of tags (93 total). So Id pick one of them. I cant see at least 1 NR tag coming out of one or prob several from both of them.

A lot less tags in 324 and 325 (10 total).

I bet your odds would be the best putting in for one of the 25, 313-30 (female only) tags.
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^^^^^^^ Solid info here. Keep in mind NR's are limited to but not guaranteed 10% of the available quota. Good luck in the draws.
Just to add another layer to this because I know you're not confused enough... The 10% quota also makes this complicated for NRs in another way. Sure... the units like 313 or 323 with a lot of goat tags will offer more chances for a NR to draw, BUT... those units also attract more NRs, naturally, which can actually drive the odds way, way down. Units like 323 tend to have an applicant breakdown of about 55% NRs vs 45% Residents. In situations like that, the district NR cap is going to be met very, very quickly. Six permits into the draw, NRs will be capped out, typically. In that case, a district with fewer tags MAY (emphasis on "may") offer you a better chance. So, you really have to examine the NR/Res applicant make-up, as well. Just looking at total tags offered doesn't give you the clearest picture.

(My above statement was written with the understanding that each district is also capped at 10%. If that's not correct, someone feel free to correct me.)

Drawing tags as a NR takes a lot luck and the willingness to do what everyone else ISN'T doing. Of course, if everyone else also starts thinking like that, then you'll have to change strategies again. :)
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Districts are NOT capped at 10%, its 10% of the region quota...

I've seen sheep areas in regions 1 and 2 with 2 total available tags and both went to NR's...

Doesn't happen often, but it does.
Districts are NOT capped at 10%, its 10% of the region quota...

I've seen sheep areas in regions 1 and 2 with 2 total available tags and both went to NR's...

Doesn't happen often, but it does.

Thanks for the clarification. I can't remember ever seeing a goat district, like 323 with 38 permits giving more than 10% of those permits to NRs. I thought the districts with 10+ permits were capped at 10% for NRs, as well. My bad. Thanks again for the clarification.
Thanks for the info guys, you saved me from the inevitable aneurysm I would've had trying to figure this all out on my own.

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