MT HD 316 anybody been there lately?


New member
Feb 3, 2003
indiana no more
Boys and I are looking at a couple of the "backcountry" areas for a mule deer / black bear trip. Area 316 is presently drawing our interest the most with area 150 in a near second place.
Anyone who has spent much time in those areas care to share any pros/cons would be much appreciated. thanks.
I have been spending a lot of time in 316 lately. Beautiful habitat that is basically devoid of deer and elk. I haven't seen a single elk or deer in there in 3 days this summer. Lots of Mountain Goats which is what I am hunting. I will be down there the next 3-4 weekends so I will let you know if I start seeing some animals and sign.
I have spent some time in 316 in August fishing the last few years.

I have not seen one deer or elk and the only bears I have seen were grizzly bears.

Three of my friends have hunted the early rifle wilderness hunt for elk. They all had a great time but they all failed to see many animals.

With that being said, I have seen or hiked about 1/100th of one percent of that unit so what I have seen may not be reflected in the rest of the unit.

I believe Warren Johnson outfitters camp may be in unit 316, possibly 313. The story I've heard is that year before last they didn't shoot an elk in the back country camp. Not sure if its true or not but the backcountry early rifle hunt is a fraction of what it used to be.
Wow, this is what I was afraid of. Spent the night pouring over maps and and looking at photos, got pretty pumped. I figured it would be a griz pit but thought surely several of those drainages should hold elk. Figured mule deer would be standing on every ridge, but all the while had this nagging suspicion that there was a whole lot of real estate for every head of game I would see.
I'm thinking unless one of you come up with some really hot tip here, I will change my early season backcountry research to area 150. I always like Seeley Lake/Swan Valley area anyway.
Thanks all, I was probably getting pumped for a wasted trip.
The elk are there- but they are not easy to find. Bears are there too, but you're more likely to find grizz before blackies. Great hunt if you find sight-seeing as pleasing as taking an animal. For a backcountry hunt, you've got to go pretty far to get away from people. We saw over 100 people 8 miles deep in a weekend last year- almost all were hikers from Billings.
Spent the last couple weekends in there. Still haven't seen an elk this year. Smelled some and saw some tracks yesterday so that's encouraging. I have seen a FEW deer tracks and laid eyes on a FEW Mule Deer, all does. To put it into perspective, I have seen over 75 Mountain Goats, and less than a handful of deer or elk. I did find a couple really nice Bighorn Rams yesterday. Lots of Griz sign anywhere near the whitebark pines.
According to some folks I know they have expressed this general area was the BEST Elk hunting in the country back in the 70's. The habitat is amazing and I would expect to see critters all over the place, but real life experience has been very different. Wolves certainly had their effect here, and I don't think there is enough fawn/calf recruitment to pull it out of the dumpster.
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