MT HB0379 update.

I could understand the concepts of diseases, fencing range, loss of migration routes and access to your favorite spots, but then some of ya went emotional. You had me convinced farms were bad until ya went emotional and childish.
So let's throw the same emotion about anything that was wild and now, not really fishing; pheasents, not really hunting, .....The only thing of the past few posts has been pissing ya off has been the "rich" duffer that passes his monster off as a trophy par with the ones that are still eluding you in the woods. So if there was a way to delinate those "wild" and those "tame" trophies so noone would confuse the two, then many of you would have no argument.
MULE, when they don't know what to say, they come up with stupid stuff like some of these posts to try and make light of the facts different from their point of view. Its a way of adjusting, discredit the messenger, and then you don't have to think about the message. I have no desire to go to an elk farm in MT. I've just been discussing the issues about them with these guys, giving another point of view. Maybe they can give a better explanation, you asked them more than me probably.

Lostagain, I like the way Trophy Game Records of the World records the trophy animals to make delineations and to recognize accomplishments. They record how big the animal was to recognize what size animal is a good one, they record who shot it, to recognize the hunter, they record who the guide was to recognize the guide and they record who the outfitter or ranch was to recognize that. If a guy gets an animal on his own on public land, its just him and the animal in the record book. If a guide gets a lot of good animals, they are recognized for that. Same thing with the outfitter, if they have a lot of trophy animals, they get recognized. Its a way to delineate and to recognize other components to what makes a successful trophy animal in the record book.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-12-2003 13:28: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
I have no desire to go to an elk farm in MT*************Tom

You would rather go after that "wild free ranging goat",NOW that is FUNNY

I see you are going to duck my question.

People are knocking Tom for hunting on a Texas game ranch. Yet they don't knock others for the same thing. And I'm sure everyone here is well aware of why they don't knock the other people.

I think that is CHICKENSHIT pure and simple
Oh Balsa Boy... I have never hunted a game farm in my life. You don't know me and you don't know anything about me. You refer to Tom and I as "birds of a feather"... What feathers would those be,,educated feathers?? Tolerant feathers?? What ever..

All of the Elk I have taken have been in the wild. I don't necessarily think it's a good idea or a bad idea. I know for certain that the critters don't know the difference. The thing that bothers me is your "Hollier than thou" attitude about folks who do. Reminds me of the kids in Jr. High who felt kept telling everyone that they didn't really smoke unless they smoked Marlboro... Like a Man..... Never did bother to address the issue to the kids who didn't smoke at all.

If you can condemn a person for education, then have a shot at it.. but don't knock what you haven't tried....

Mule, i will type slow so you get it, your new and have not read the past post, look back, I have and will continue to diss anyone who kills on a game farm including the moose,. and danny boy that would be dumb ass game farm lovin feathers. let me ask you this danny boy o educated one, have you ever seen a Montana elk farm,,,didn`t think so! So don`t comment on something you know nothing about
Mule, 280 used to just post cut and paste messages from the newspaper for years. Then people picked on him a lot, trying to get him to tell a hunting story or post a picture or something. Now, it seems like he is really interacting a lot more, putting some thought into his posts. ha ha. Pretty soon he might tell a hunting story or post a picture, who knows, more surprising things happen sometimes.

How about it 280, you said you buy a scanner a year or two ago?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-12-2003 15:09: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
Tom the only pic I have you would relate to is the montana SCI record for free ranging feral cat, scored 6 7/8 it was a grueling hunt cornered him up in the chicken wire fencing and went to guns on him, ranks right up there with a mule deer hunt in the Bitterroot Selway wilderness, in fact i can`t see the difference in the two hunts, as I am sure you would agree with!
280"have you ever seen a Montana elk farm,,,didn`t think so! So don`t comment on something you know nothing about"
Have You?
Do you which ones had shooting?
I know of quite a few where for personal reasons shooting any of them wasn't an option for the owners. I know of many of them the I143 made it impossible for them to pass the license to the next generation, it took that option away. It was like a law that prohibited Your bar owner from passing on his liquor license.
lost,,,yes I have seen 3 that had shooter operations the largest in the state was in Darby and now thank God is gone. No way the most rookie texan could`nt have killed an elk there in a half a day if there was only one in the fence.
Wallece is subdivided into homesites now. I think without his marvelattitude 143 didn't have a chance. Its pretty ironic that the same people that were vocal about passing 143 were the first in line when wallace said to come get his elk for the $125 state fees.
you are mistaken wallaces is not divided into home sites i know the guy who bought it the fences are down and he is trying to return it to its natural state
Really? that not what the signs say out front.... Lee Foss from Hamilton is the realtor, split into 40s.
Intel bought that which is north of the road up the sagebrush hills, where the New houses are....?muley view drive.
The rest from Rye creek road, 93 and south to the pink log house is subdivided into 40s, I check the sign when I up there.
wallace built that house up muley view thats where the fat ass texans stayed. the south side intel did not buy, the creek bottom, is divided to the pink house, i would rather have it divided with no high fences then fenced out of winter range

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-12-2003 16:23: Message edited by: 280 ]</font>
Any hunt you ever did would be preferable to this 280. Post on that instead of your dead horse game farm, as you refer to this, comments. That's my $0.02
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