Moosie's 12 days of Christmas....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Has anyone ever done this ? Bring something to someones house for 12 days ?

Today is our first day. The individual we're doing it for isn't a hunter and doesn't visit or know about the site so I'll share my thoughts. It's someone we know but don't hang out with so they will have no clue it's us.

Each day from today till Christmas eve I'll write a poem, put in some goodies, and 1 piece of a 12 piece nativity set.

Here is todays gift. A wise man and a bag of chocolate gold coins.

The poem is as follows :

The 1st Day of Christmas

T’was the first day of Christmas and all through your house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
'Cept suddenly one day what did suddenly appear,
But a Christmas secret friend bringing you holiday cheer.

Tonight calls for a partridge up in a pear tree,
but partridges as a gift, kind of odd, we agree?
So we brought you a wise man you’ll get “11” more,

to complete the full set, it’s so GREAT what’s in store.

The Wise men has a bag, full of some golden coin,
Each night will come others, with him they will join.
So take this wise man, for it is the season,
to think of the savior, for he is the reason.

Tonight’s the first night, the doorbell we did ring,
We thought it the best to leave, not stay and not sing.
Hopefully you enjoy each day the gifts we will bring,

You might think it puts us out, but it ain’t no big thing.

Now beware of this warning – your friends will be here,
every night, but don’t look, or we'll disappear.
We’re not all that sneaky and we might make a clatter,

So take your time coming out, don’t see what’s the matter.

So listen each night, early morning or mid day,
We will come by your place to drop off and not stay.
Don’t be impatient, or have any sorrow
We’re writing more rhymes and will see you tomorrow.
Jabber, my 2nd oldest (Zach) actually came up with the idea. My wife will buy the stuff, Kids will wrap it and doorbell ding/ditch each night, and I'll write the poems. We'll see how this goes. I'll upload the items and Poems as we go. It should be fun.
A family did this to us when I was younger. I remember staying up each night trying to catch them. We did the same thing for the next 3-4 years after that to friends. It was pretty fun as a little guy trying to figure out ways not to get caught. Your kids will have a blast.
Here is tomorrows. Any Idea's ? thoughts or add ons ? It will be a Camel and some Caramel......

The 2nd Day of Christmas

Ahhh did you miss us ? Or think we forgot ?
It’s only day 2, Us forget ? I think naught.

Today is a camel to add to the Wiseman,
It carried the gifts of heavenly father’s great plan.
Now you have 2 of a set of just 12.
Hopefully you have them set up on a nice shelve.

Some caramel one camel, one chewy, one not,
One takes you for a ride and one, hits the spot.
Some caramel to eat, a great day this will be,
a taste of sensation a mouth fes’tivity.
I'll give you a thumbs up for what you are doing there Moosie. The person that's receiving the gifts and your kids, will always remember this. That's pretty cool.

The "Day 2" poem sounds great.
My Daddy always recited a Poem to my older Cousins when we visited during Christmas Holidays. Let me see if I can remember it...feel free to use any of it!
Here I sit with a broken heart
Paid a Dine just to Fart
the paper roll is empty
what shall I do, a whistle I hear
Here comes my train, I must not linger
Look out Booty, here comes my Finger!

Brings a tear to you eye, don't it? John
My Daddy always recited a Poem to my older Cousins when we visited during Christmas Holidays. Let me see if I can remember it...feel free to use any of it!
Here I sit with a broken heart
Paid a Dine just to Fart
the paper roll is empty
what shall I do, a whistle I hear
Here comes my train, I must not linger
Look out Booty, here comes my Finger!

Brings a tear to you eye, don't it? John

I heard a Similar one...

There I sat, all broken hearted.
Tried to chit but only farted.
The next day I took a chance,
Tried to fart... but chit my pants !
Moosie, as an English teacher, I have to have some great writing, but a lot of grammatical errors! I really like this idea though, props to your boy!
Moosie, as an English teacher, I have to have some great writing, but a lot of grammatical errors! I really like this idea though, props to your boy!

Wait till you see the later poems....

Still many gaps.... I'm having writers block :eek: :confused: :eek:

I hope you’re not peaking each night at your door,
We’re doing it daily, like a great big encore.
So IG’nore, the door, I implore for there’s more
There is more and therefore, you’ll see what’s instore

The donkey has names, some names with no class.
Some call it a Burro some call it….(I’ll pass).
But it was there that night, and it was no stranger,
To little baby Jesus and the rest near the manger.

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