Montana Muley


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2013
Here is my 2016 MT mule deer. I shot this buck last Saturday and although he isn't the biggest buck out there it was one of my funnest deer hunts. The weather was exactly what I did not want for hunting it was 65+ degrees. Despite the weather in 2 days I saw probably 15 or so bucks. 1 was a very very nice deer that I jumped in a draw mid morning, why he isn't the one in the picture?? I'm still asking myself that question I blew a shot that I can make 99 out of 100 times, I guess this was #100. I was on public land and solo on this hunt I have hunted this general area 5 or 6 years now and have always had colder weather and been closer to the rut. I had to change my tactics a little because of those factors. I am not very good at sitting still I'm more of the I have to see what's over the next ridge type of guy, I decided to test my patience and hiked to the highest points I could find around noon and glassed and glassed, I couldn't believe how many deer I could find bedded. I spotted this guy right at first light about 3/4 mile away and watched him for awhile trying to debate if I wanted to go after him or not. When I spotted him again at about 1230 in his bed at 410 yards I decided I would get set up and if he stood and gave me a shot I would take him. After about twenty min he decided to stretch his legs and give me a perfect broadside shot. i have boned out and packed many mule deer out of this area solo by myself but with the warm temps it was a tough job! Got him down and into the cooler and spent the rest of the evening fishing, hard to beat a weekend like that!! Now bring me some snow and cold to help me notch an elk tag.


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Congratulations. Still can't get over seeing Montana hunters in short sleeves in November.
Caribou Gear

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