Montana Moose,Sheep,Goat results

There are some good goats in that unit. Most of the billies hang right on the park line. It can be a fairly easy hunt, all things considered for a goat hunt, if the billies cooperate and come out of the park. You can drive or 4-wheel to the top of Daisy Pass, damn near as high as the goats are. Great glassing area from the pass and around Lake Abundance.
Anybody willing to share any Mountain Goat info. I finally have a succesfull under my name. Area North of Cooke City.


Which unit north of Cooke City, and how far north? There are a couple units north of there. Depending upon which one, I know a few guys, including myself, who have taken goats in there.

If it is the right unit, I would be willing to help, if it is where I have knowledge.
I am guessing he is talking 316

Then again, maybe the 500's?
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I guess they did mail out sheep tags this year.

A friend just called me and said, "Guess what I got in the mail yesterday?" He only calls me if it is hunting related, so I am thinking maybe he ordered some new gadget.

I ask WTH did he buy.

He then tells me that after 25 years, he finally drew a sheep tag. For Unit 482, to top it off. Holy crap!

I ask him why he didn't check on line, and he states that he didn't even bother, knowing he never draws, and didn't want to waste the time. He didn't know he had drawn, until the tag showed up in his mail box yesterday.

So, he asks, "Is that the type of hunt you would wanna film?" I replied with some words that I can't re-type here, but to inform him that his question is a foregone conclusion.

The reality is that filming is an imposition to a hunt. A MT sheep tag is once in a lifetime, so I don't want to impose on his hunt, in even the slightest manner. I will do everything I can to talk him out of being filmed, and make it sound like the worst thing in the world. If he still wants to be filmed, after all those warnings, I guess we might just have to film that one.

I think an On Your Own Montana Big Horn hunt, on public land, would be a pretty cool episode. Especially with this guy. He has been a volunteer for many hunting groups, and has done a lot to get others involved.

And knowing how this guy hunts, he will do justice to the tag. And a great tag it is. He is a hiking fool, so if we film this one, I feel sorry for my camera guys. Sorry Troy and Loren, but it will be worth it.
From the filming permit map I sent you, apparently all the sheep are in a single section and it only takes a day to video the kill.:rolleyes::D
That's awesome fin. I really hope you can't talk him out of it, a Breaks sheep hunt would be a hell of an episode.
Was it Vaughn?


He is too good of a friend for us to mess up his hunt with filming, so I need to do all I can to discourage him from wanting it filmed. As much as that would be cool for him to have it recorded in perpetuity, it wouldn't be worth it, if filming created any difficulty for that kind of a tag.

The TV producer side of me can't believe I am saying that, but the friend and hunter side, knows it is too important to just jump into, without complete consideration.

If there is a more cherished hunt than a Montana sheep hunt, in the Missouri Breaks, I don't know what it would be. All the more reason to not impose on it with video cameras.

Lucky dude. Good for him.
Congratulate him for me. I only run into him about every other year. That's awesome! I really hope he wants you to film it, would make an unbeatable program.
Forgot to mention one of my best friends drew the anaconda permit.. so I'll be getting to scout and tag along on a sheep hunt (or a few of them) this fall too. He's an archery hunter.
Been out of town for a few days. Been gathering info already for the goat hunt. Yes it is unit 316 Drake thanks for the info.Have some other info that mentioned areas to glass from easy to acces vantage points. Also some other areas that are a litlle tougher to get into. Looks like I will have from October 10th to November 11th to get it done. Planning on heading over in July to get a lay of the land. Thanks for any info in advance guys.

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