Montana Drawing,,

No antelope for me, but my antelope points didn't increase either. May have to give Helena a call.
Worst draw year I have ever had, heck Rocky I was just getting warmed up and used to not drawing when 23 years of nothing went by long ago!
Got a lope tag, which I was sweating a little after missing two chances on doe tags.
Got my 900 antelope tag. My best friend talked me into it this year, but after the ridiculous time we had finding a spot to rifle hunt last year I wasn't against it as much as I normally am.

Anybody planning on using Block Managment to hunt speed goats make certain to call for dates as soon as you can in August. I know that some of the BMAs all ready have people booked for hunts (eventhough the booklets are not out yet). Not exactly sure how that works but finding an opening out here in the 700s isn't as easy as it once was.
MT finally kept my money. Upper Deck and I have 700 antelope tags. Hopefully we can find a couple bucks in desperate need of cataract surgery. :D
Archery antelope
Elk B
Deer B

Wasn't terrible, by any stretch, but no really good unlimited tags.
Good luck to everyone. Looks like the plates set for Most of the Montana season.
I have Lion, and Bison to go in drawings.

We are spoiled here in Montana, even with all our problems with predators, outfitters, Ranchers , legislature, etc.
I didn't even draw an archery tag that was suppose to be guaranteed...something is weird. So much for accomplishing "hunting access." Now I've got bulls running around with thousands of dollars worth of my grain in their bellies and I can't hunt them? I'm not a happy camper with FWP at the moment.
I didn't even draw an archery tag that was suppose to be guaranteed...something is weird. So much for accomplishing "hunting access." Now I've got bulls running around with thousands of dollars worth of my grain in their bellies and I can't hunt them? I'm not a happy camper with FWP at the moment.

If your a landowner, you already receive more tags, more often, than the rest of us. I'm sure if you post up some info. There would be people willing to cull some of those elk for you.

If you put in for the archery lope tags as a second choice it's not a guarantee.
Shoots straight....You know how it goes...I already have everyone and their dog wanting to and I can only let so many on a year.
I wish I made enough to pay for a chopper ride into some nice areas. Crap!
The only thing I've got going for me is that I do love hunting the those Bozeman hills with a stick slinger.
If those bulls take thousands of dollars worth of your grain, maybe you should enroll your place in block management. It might help offset the costs, remove some of the elk, and allow some hunters access in an area where hunting is pretty limited by private land. FWP also gives you a complimentary sportsman's license. My Dad's place is enrolled and my sister, a TX resident was able to claim the deer/elk licenses, free of charge and no drawing. I agree though, it sure would stink to have giant antlered, half-tame, bull elk wandering around your yard, meanwhile you have to come hunt around Bozeman. I guess you'll have to suffer with the rest of us!
I will be interesting to see just what effect the B elk licensing and on the LE bull permits, my guess is the odds were considerably worse this year because of it.
Greenhorn...i was suprised he did not draw that tag, but for the first time in about 10 years, i did not draw it either. I do know two people though that have drawn on 2nd choice..........guess my wife will have to bring home the bacon this year:)lol
Sweatnectar bring your hiking boots and we'll head up into that place were you thought that there wasn't any elk feed. It seems that they only liked to rub trees and not eat belly deep grass like out on the ranch.:D I feel bad I can hunt and you can't:( I keep telling you that you need to put in on a landowner tag rather than the regular draw that us monkeys have too.

Greenhorn they aren't "half tamed" maybe a quarter:D
Maybe Greeny can follow us and show us how to get it done. He's knows most of my haunts but actually can kill those tricky bulls. I'll provide the horses and grub. You provide "Killing big bulls for Dummies" cd.:D
311 antelope for me. Was orginally hoping to get it, but I haven't seen too many nice bucks on the ranch I was planning on hunting, so I was actually hoping not to draw it so I could get the 900 tag. Oh well. I've never chased antelope before so I guess any goat will be a good start.
Sweet! Now post a "before" photo.


