Montana boys, check your bonus points....

Congrats on the Moose tag. I drove through the hills on the Idaho side of Monida last eve, east of I-15 and saw 3 good looking bulls with good starts on thier racks. Soo much water, most of the creeks are huge marshy areas. Should be a great hunt for ya.
Unbelievable, I drew a Sheep and a Goat tag!!!!
Just kidding. No love for me but congrats on you boys that drew. I hope you kill bigs ones and post em up.
I've got 2 points for goat and sheep....I'm good....well as good as guy can be who's destined to wait 15 yrs before drawing a tag. It's cool, I'll still have some fight left in me :)
Have points been added? Or just zero'ed out points for successful draws?
Can you do unlimited 2nd choice??

So, thus far on hunttalk, we've only got one moose and two goats?? Cmon...someone else must have drawn!?!
Both I think, but they've also updated your drawing status, so you don't have to rely on checking your bonus points.
They must be in the process as my drawing status still show pending.

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