Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Montana '09 Elk hunt ~soon!


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
Well, flopped the archery elk... Tried up in the Eureka area (Home of the "bubba burger" rated best burger in America "Regis... show" - actually, it is pretty darn good... I think their breakfast though has to be the best scram mix I have ever had!) Between Eureka and Glacier Nat'l park - that is some tough country! Looks like really good Black Bear hunting area though!
Heh, apparently the Eureka area has an interesting elk migratory route from Canada into US that occurrs with a flurry of orange to pick away as they cross into the US side... Not really my cup o' tea.

Really didn't have much time this year to hit our usual spot ~ However, with rifle season on the edge - (Oct 25th). My hunting partner and I are finalizing last minute prep... Headed down to our usual area (Pintler / Big Hole) that holds good opportunity.

That list - no matter how thorough one may be - always something missing remembered once crossing that imaginary line of no return - Haha!

We head out Oct 23rd and return Nov 4th. I intend to mark this event with pics and hopefully some video. TBH, A couple times in the past - I have packed my video camera... though the hike and such - I simply forget it is in my pack when we come across something worth recording!
With that said - any tips for the amatuer videographer that has elk/buck fever once in hot pursuit? Some sling fashion for a standard video recorder that does not interfere with the rigs of the hunter? (i.e. no interference from the shoulder strapped front chest binoculars...) I would rather take my cell phone (muted of course :) ) and use the video capabilities from that due to it's size - perfect in a cargo pant pocket! (good for video noob such as myself) Though I figure if going in to actually video the elements of the hunt - best to have a good zoom / clarity capability, etc.

So tips on the video side of a hunt? How about a video 101 for us noobs :) Hope to share a collage of video / pics upon return.

cheers all! Oh... no data pack on this cell so no updates until I return. Hope to read some tips - etc before I head out. Best of success to all though heading out for season hunts!
Good luck on the trip. Can't wait for some video and pics. Tips for video......hmmmmm....

Take the camera off digital zoom first. Digital zoom will ruin the picture. I'm guessing you're not going to be packing a tripod so here's what I have for ya.

The best and easiest thing to think of is.....everytime you run the camera, try to get 10 seconds (usually more) of nice steady footage without moving. Scenery, wildlife, someone walking.......anything. I think most of the time, people get dizzy from footage from people trying to hunt and film at the same time. Focus on the viewfinder or screen, instead of actually looking at the object. It's hard and it takes away from the hunt sometimes, but the footage comes out much nicer. Most of all, try the 10 seconds of steady, solid footage here and there. In the end, the video comes out much more enjoyable to watch. Also, remember to capture anything that might help tell the story. You talking to the camera or someone glassing or walking. That's as easy as it gets...........Good luck!!!
Thanks for the video tips Layin - it - down :)

I'll work on that. Cheers to everyone for the well wishes!
Well, the lack of pics - I think says it all...

Pre-hunt days: 2 days... Travel, Camp setup and chainsaw activities. Well set up for the 10 day hunt. Enough wood to feed the "beast"... NY steaks, Salmon, the whole enchilada. Beer, Jim Beam - even wine! brutal misery - we ate and drank well...

Day one... Light snow... GREAT fun tracking right off the bat! Boom! First day - Spike, Raggy and 7 cows... Naaa.... Looks like we are in em... no sense taking a raggy - hold out. MISTAKE... OOPS! Don't pass up what you would shoot on the last day! I seem good at shoveling the advice just a bit tight lipped on taking my medicine!

Day two... push around about 15 cows through out the day.

Day three... lot of sign - heading in and out of private land couple cows and a spike.

Day four... glass a distant bull - mad dash to get over to him before the "sun goes down"... No joy.

Day five... nodda bull nowhere to be found. Getting pretty worn out... avg hike 6 miles x 2 for am and pm hunt. Always up to start makes it a bit better heading back...

Day six... Watch ping pong elk action from private land to private land... Interesting story to this - not sure how true - take it as you will... Some guys we bumped into hunt an area close to our area says they know two outfitters that lease the private lands. One outfitter gets his clients tags filled... and it pushes the elk over to the other outfitters leased land... two days later - that outfitter's clients take their share of bulls and pushes them BACK to the original private land IN TIME for the outfitter to have brought in his new clients!!!! Apparently they boast this can be done 2-3 TIMES before the herd scatters! These outfitters strategically place their clients to areas optimal for redirecting the elk and they work together playing ping pong with the herd!

Day seven... Day off (sort of) morning hunt for a whitey nice sized buck I came across while treking to the higher elky areas... A really nice one... No - 4 does' and no buck. Off for evening elk hunt.

Day eight - Tired as hell from doing pre dawn hunt then 11-3 recovery nap or veg out time... then evening hunt with hike out in dark (headlamp) exhausted - make a good yummy dinner and crash out for next morning. Nodda spotted... This is the pattern of each days hunt.

Day nine... HUNTER'S MOON! Elk are feeding late at night! sleeping / bedded during all possible shooting hours. NODDA! NOTHING! NO RAGGY! No NODDA!

Day ten... 2 cows. A same cow and calf combo pushed out of bed.

End of draggin #$%& and left wishin that first day raggy was taken.

T'is a hunt to be remembered for tired DOGS and a relief to be out of the twilight zone of Elk galore w/o the bulls!

I have about 5 short videos of the areas... 30 second clips - I'll place them on my web site and link them here... I suppose that would work best. They are from my whoppin awesome cell phone that died shortly after and my hunting partner's car charger that has the same fitting though found my cell phone screen to say... "Unauthorized charger" Bah! What hooey!

Well as they say, "It's called hunting not killin!" Overall, a good experience... I may get out for a jaunt here and there...

Cheers all! Best of success in your hunts!

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