MeatEater Off the Air tour


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2009
Southwest Pa.
Anyone attend one of these live MeatEater events? Wondering if they were worth the price of admission. I think tix here are going for around $65 with VIP at $175. I'm not really interested in paying $175 to meet someone but the regular priced ticket may be entertaining.
VIP at a strip club maybe for $175, crazy
I know right? The event description is very clear in that non - VIP ticket holders will not interact with them.
I better get a hank shaw wild game dinner and a door prize at that price.

I actually went to a Hank Shaw dinner last year for a lot less. Hank came over and sat at our table for a while and talked hunting. Super cool guy.
I would go however I probably wouldn’t travel specifically to go, if that makes sense. The price diffence between the tickets wouldn’t be a factor in my decision.
I went to the last one that was in MN. It was fun and I’m glad I went to it but I’m not doing it again.

One of those things that are cool to do once just to say you did it but not really worth paying for it a second time. If I was a big time fan boy and also made of money I’d do the VIP if I was gonna go for a second time but I’m neither of those two things.
I actually went to a Hank Shaw dinner last year for a lot less. Hank came over and sat at our table for a while and talked hunting. Super cool guy.
I drank a half a bottle of whiskey with Hank once after a BHA rendezvous event... don't remember the end of the conversation, but the beginning was fun.

No way I'm paying that to listen to a live podcast.
I guess it doesn’t matter what the price is. Sold out in an hour point 5. So I guess they can charge whatever they want and you still can’t go unless you are BFFs with them and are sitting on your computer when they open up sales.
Haha. I love talking hunting but I get nothing from "celebrities"

If I was sitting next to Tom Hanks on an airplane and he offered me an autograph, I'd politely decline. What am I going to do with something like that?

Some people teach school, others replace knees, others build homes, and others are on TV. meh
More than that I appreciate the work they put towards getting info out about hunting/conservation to those who are uninformed. The guys really do a great job at explaining.
Love this about meateater as well, I would love to have dinner with the carefully constructed Rinella persona from the show, which in part is created by an editing team and writers... I’m not sure I would like the real Rinella... I prefer not to mix the two.

Plus I love to talk and I’m not sure the world would be able to handle that level of pressured speech.
Love this about meateater as well, I would love to have dinner with the carefully constructed Rinella persona from the show, which in part is created by an editing team and writers... I’m not sure I would like the real Rinella... I prefer not to mix the two.

Plus I love to talk and I’m not sure the world would be able to handle that level of pressured speech.
Getting a word in edgewise would be difficult
The talks/live events will not be podcasts this time around, they said that if you are not there in person the content will not be posted. FYI
Like all of us, he has a multiplicity of selves. There’s the podcast, tell me this, no I’ll set it up, run the show guy. Then there’s the very thoughtful TV show/book and article writer. Then how he is when he’s with his kids, wife, buddies, lady behind the gas station counter. The particular “him” I liked best was him being interviewed by Ben on the first Hunting Collective podcast. Didn’t have to run the show and was very toned down, slow, reflective, articulate, paced. Recorded under a shade tree in the middle of the day while hunting coues deer. ... And I’d probably choose Janis or Cal to go hunting with. 😁
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I’m taking a ride to philly with a buddy who recently got into hunting. For $50 a piece it seemed like a good excuse to make a little road trip, drink some beers, and get excited for the upcoming hunting season.

That said, I’m a MeatEater fanboy
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