MD buck bites the dust


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Chugiak, AK
I went on a quick hunt yesterday morning. I wasn't expecting so see much since the temps were in the high 50's at 6-o-clock in the morning. I got into my stand about 10 min or so before shooting light (6:15). It was really humid out and the fog had rolled in. Visibility was about 75-80 yards give or take. But with the rut in full swing I figured it was as good of time as any to be in the woods. I tooted on a grunt call a few times and about 6:25 this guy come strolling by at about 35 yards. He was walking down a trail and I gave a soft 'mew' and he stopped broadside. I didn't have time to stand up and the angle was such that it was an easy shot from the sitting position in the stand. I put the 30 yard pin right on his chest half way up inline with his front leg and let fly.

At the shot he spun 180 degrees ran about 15-20 yards and stopped, looking back in the direction of where he was hit. I was shaking so bad from the excitement I couldn't hold the bino's steady enough and with the poor light I couldn't see any blood coming out or a red spot. :) I live for that moment of panic! I was thinking I either missed or worse. He lowered his head and just stood there. I thought to myself... man I hope I didn't gut shoot him. His body language seemed seemed like it. There was to much brush in the way to get another arrow off so I just watched him. He walked with his head down about 10 yards or so, stood and then got wobbly. Took a couple stagger steps sideways and I knew it was over from there. He fell down flailed around for 5-8 seconds and, he tried to lift his head but then he threw down on the ground hard. I knew it was over at that point. From start to finish was probably less than 25-30 seconds. I sat and watched him for another 20 min or so and there was no movement. So I gathered my stuff, climbed down out of the stand and walked over to find the arrow. It was covered in bright red blood. I knew the arrow had flown true and upon examination actually center punched the heart. The blood trail was a swath about 2' wide. I've never shot a deer with my bow when I could see where he/she fell. The second elk I shot with my bow at 7yards went about 40 yards and laid down. That's the only other animal I've ever shot with a bow that died with in eyesight... All the others have taken off on a dead run. Anyway....


Upon following the trail I could see where he had paused just after the shot, there was blood everywhere, just what I like to see. Not a big deer, but in the 5 years I've hunted this farm and about 20 days per year, he was the second biggest I've ever seen out there. The farm is about 40 acres, and the surrounding property gets pounded throughout the season. So its either shoot em when you get the chance or don't kill anything. Letting little bucks walk is a futile effort. They all end up dead anyway so it might as well be by my doing. Anyway. I'm not 100% sure but I think its the same buck I missed 3 weeks earlier in muzzle loader season, sure looks like him anyway. There is another 4pt (8pt eastern) buck out there that's about the same size but I don't think he's as wide nor as heavy not that he's a giant, but pretty good for where I hunt. This one has 4" bases, and a 17" spread which really surprised me. I'm guessing he was a 3.5yo buck. His body size was not all that big, I'm guessing he dressed about 120-130 pounds or so. Been a pretty tough season so far. Not many deer around, the weather has been the chits just about every time I've had a chance to get out, and the ones I have seen were either to far for a shot, or moving. Either way its a great way to start off the CO/MT Safari which starts tomorrow! 2 weeks of playing in the snow chasing elk and deer! I can't wait.

Bambistew, congrats on the bow kill.
good pics & story also.
good luck on your upcoming hunt.

Letting little bucks walk is a futile effort. They all end up dead anyway so it might as well be by my doing.
now you dont really believe that do you? care to make a wager?
even if that were true why wouldnt you shoot a doe or better yet a fawn and enjoy the more tender meat? have you eaten Sika deer yet?delicious and tender.
JB said:
now you dont really believe that do you? care to make a wager?
even if that were true why wouldnt you shoot a doe or better yet a fawn and enjoy the more tender meat? have you eaten Sika deer yet?delicious and tender.

No I don't think they all end up dead, but the majority do, by my figures... probably 2 yearling bucks for every 10 make it through the next season. This farm has been hunted forever... and I'm not aware of a buck that came off there that was worth talking about in the last 40 years. They bed on the two adjacent properties for the most part, and they have a pile of guys that hunt it during gun season. If its brown its dead... I didn't mean to make it sound like I shoot everything that walks by, I've passed up 5-6 easy shots on yearling bucks this year.

Why not shoot a doe or a fawn? I shoot 3-4 every year, don't find any challenge in it at all, at least with a buck you're trying to outsmart one animal instead of just picking out a 'doe'... I'd rather eat elk anyway... :D

I've spent a fair amount of time on this farm and have never seen so much as a rub or track that I thought was made by a mature buck. Not saying that there isn't one around, but I doubt that there is anything worthy of the 'wall' that I could find during legal hours. I would think in probably 75-80+ days collective in the woods I would have had a glimps of a big deer if there was one there woudn't you? In all those days/days I've seen 5 deer that I thought were 2.5yo, and I've killed 3 of them, and know the neighbor guy killed another. There might be a nocturnal buck or two who knows. Now if I could talk the other land owners/hunters into letting the little guys go we might have a chance.

No sika yet... Hopefully this will be the year.
Nice work on the whitey Bambi, and best of luck on your Safari. Looking forward to more pics from your CO/MT trip.
Congrats on a good buck! I've never gotten to see one I've shot fall, but did see one of my dad's fall.
Back 15 years ago in MD it was still a big deal just to bag a buck. Things have changed, and there are many more deer than there used to be. More and more hunters are choosing to shoot mature deer, but the mentality of bagging a buck makes you a man is still there.

IMO and from experience hunting that same property that Bambi is, the 2 and 3 year old does are tougher to trick than the little bucks. I always got busted by them, before the bucks even knew that I was there.
Things have changed, and there are many more deer than there used to be.
i have noticed in the past few years that there seems to be less deer than there were five years least im seeing less deer. still, we have a mess of them. when i was a kid, and the rifle season was only a week long, with one deer allowed, it wouldnt be uncommon to hunt all week and only see a couple of right now this is "the good ol days" for deer hunting in MD..

but the mentality of bagging a buck makes you a man is still there.

it has been changed to "bagging a mature Buck makes you a better hunter". :D
waterboy said:
More and more hunters are choosing to shoot mature deer, but the mentality of bagging a buck makes you a man is still there.

How many MD racks do you have in that shoe box again? :p
JB said:
i have noticed in the past few years that there seems to be less deer than there were five years ago.....

Thats cuz you're alway on Hunttalk busting guys balls instead of hunting ;)

Great story and kudos on the buck !

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