Yeti GOBOX Collection

Magdalena, NM out of water...

Not a good deal. I have hunted out of Magdalena many times. Cool little town in a cool area.

This year, I have a rifle antelope tag just north of there in Unit 13. Probably could not have picked a worse year to draw that tag. Wondering if I should even go, or if I should give the antelope a break.
I can attest to the fact that we are currently having the best monsoon season since I was a kid. The forage around here is phenomenal right now. That isn't to say that the drought last year didn't hammer us pretty hard but this year is looking good.

I am elk hunting out of Magdalena this year headed down to scout a little come the end of this month i'll post up pictures.
I live in Magdalena, the grass is tall and green. been getting a lot of rain since late june-early july. But last years drought did hammer the antelope. I hope these monsoons carry over into the fall and winter. We sure could use it!
Are your wells coming back yet? I hunted in 17 for several years back when mz permits were 100 percent draw. That country is dry on a good year.
My folks on the eastern side of the state are sitting in 2 inches of rain accumulated in 2 days. a buddy just emptied his rain gauge of 5 inches in the last 24 hours. we're swimming in water right now. I drive both i-40 and 25 last week and there was standing water on the side of both of them. the back side of the Sandia's had running creeks when i drive down last weekend.
Getting warm early this year here, 60's. Gotten some good snow and rain this winter,soaked in.
Had another good monsoon in '14.
Actually some snow in the Gila too this year.
I've seen elk in some pretty deserty country round Magdelena.
Phhoenix has been running out of water since the 60's when I was a kid. The growth never stopped. It has grown into a mega city since then and they are still running out of water.

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