PEAX Equipment

Looking for any pointers


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
SW Wisconsin
Hey guys as some of you might already know this will be my first year pronghorn hunting.I drew unit 7. I have been reasearching the unit quite a bit and have maps and also a garmin that I am getting the public hunting map for.I am only taking 1 freind with me on this hunt and plan to keep it that way until my boy is old enought to hunt then he will be comming with us also.Planning on trying to put on some foot work on blm and walk in areas.I just dont know how picky I should be my first year out there.I am going to have a full day to scout before the season opens for rifle.I could use some info on a locker close by that if we are able to harvest any antelope we could have the meat frozen there until we are ready to return home.We plan on butchering,packaging,and cooling our meat down before we take it to get froze.What kind of temps should I expect the last part of sept and the first week of nov? I have most all the gear I will need minus the leather gloves I have been told to get because of the cactus so I will be getting a pair of them before I go.All the fluids are changed in the Jeep and just had new tires put on.All the money I have invested in this trip so far I could have hired a very good outfitter but this is something I think I can handle on my own.Next year should be alot cheaper as I will have everything I need.Thanks guys
Can you give us a hint on what state it is? Try, they have the weather trends month by month for cities in and around unit 7 probably..
Good luck, 174. It will be a fun hunt. In September and October, it will usually be mild, but can be super hot and really cold. Come prepared for anything.

Getting your animal cooled down quickly, as you state, is a very good idea.

As far as size, I guess it should be the one that looks good to you. Your tag and your hunt.

If you find one over 14", with good mass and prongs, you have done well. They are in that unit, and some much bigger. Just takes a lot of sorting to find those really big ones.

Giving yourself that scouting day is a big help. Both in learning what the average size bucks are, but also giving you the chance to size them up without the temptation of shooting the first nice one you see.

Now that you made the investment in the gear, you will be able to do this every year, and many years, even combine it with a deer hunt.

It is about as much fun as a guy can have, within the bounds of legality and morality.
Can you give us a hint on what state it is? Try, they have the weather trends month by month for cities in and around unit 7 probably..
Sorry, Wyoming

Thanks for the advice Fin and other the other info you have given me.A 12 incher would make me happy for the first buck.I am really looking forward to the trip.
I am NOT the seasoned pronghorn chaser that some are, but.
I agree with them. That day to scout will be great for the pressure of harvesting the first one you see. 3 years ago I arrived for a hunt a day early and spent the day glassing bucks. The 3 other hunters arrived later that evening with no chance to scout. Next day I was constantly telling them to not shoot as I had seen bigger bucks.
I take knee pads too for the cactus crawl.
In your post I think you mentioned Nov? If hunting that late, be VERY, VERY careful to keep an eye on the buck after the shot. He could easily drop a sheath and leave you kicking brush for hours to find it.
On my first hunt all I wanted was to be successful. When you say 'a 12" would be ok' I hear what you are saying, BUT, I think you can do much better. Like BF says, there are bigger animals out there just be patient. last day or so you can poke a 12" until then keep your eyes open for a sidetracked 16"!!!!
Good luck to ya!
Sorry I meant the first part of Oct.Knee pads are also on my to get list.As far as holding out for a nicer buck I just dont know if it is like huntin around here to where if you hold out to long chances of shooting a buck past the second day of season is slim.I did get a doe tag too so I should atleast be able to fill that if I get to picky on the bucks.I let the small whitetails around home walk and dont really care if I have an unfilled tag at the end of the season so I guess out west should be no different.Thanks guys How about any lockers in the Newcastle area any info yet?
If all else fails you can set up an ambush along a fence line. It has worked for me in the past a few times in heavily hunted areas. My step father took a 16" buck coming down a fenceline after it had been pushed out of another area. I'm not patient enough to sit by a fence all day long but I will set up near them to glass for awhile and I always keep an eye on them. I've watched herds run fence lines for a long ways before they decide to crawl under them. Doesn't always work - one year I set up an ambush on a buck coming down a fence line only to watch him jump the fence and head in a different direction before he was in range - but it's another trick to throw in your bag. .