Yeti GOBOX Collection

Lobowatch takes a shot at Fresh Tracks

  • Thread starter Deleted member 20812
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who is my "buddy" bearpaw? and why would he think that Bridge was speaking on behalf of MOGA? 'cause it just ain't so....
who is my "buddy" bearpaw? and why would he think that Bridge was speaking on behalf of MOGA? 'cause it just ain't so....

Eric - I am not sure who Bearpaw is. They refer to him as Dale over on his site.

To your point of Toby Bridges speak on behalg of MOGA, here is how it looks to most outsiders.

Toby Bridges has a very strong pattern of including MOGA, MOGA issues, MOGA quotes, MOGA concerns, in many of his comments and his rants. I know he does not speak for MOGA. Yet, when he is out taking whacks at anyone and everyone other than SFW and BGF, his continued inference of MOGA does no good for MOGA and MOGA's image.

You are on the board. Up to you guys how you disassociate yourselves from any appearance of relationship with a fringe operator like Toby Bridges.

Toby was the first President of SFW in MT. Hand picked by Don Peay. Now many MOGA members and leaders are also leaders of MT-SFW. That MOGA-SFW interconnection makes for some close relationships that make it easy for people to follow the impression that Toby likes to provide - that he has a close enough association to MOGA that he is an insider with MOGA.

Also, when MOGA and Toby are very often supporting the same legislative positions and both absent when wildlife could use support in the legislature, it does nothing to dispell the image Toby likes to portray that and and MOGA are in lockstep.

I know in talking to you that Toby is not speak for MOGA. Most do not have the benefit of emails and phone calls with a few of you on the MOGA board.

Aren't you supposed to be busy with archery hunters this time of year and not wasting your time on a website? ;) Best of luck to your hunters.
Great responses Randy. Of course that's pretty easy when all you have to do is tell the truth.
I would be busy w/ archery hunters, but the friggin whitetail keep am reduced to a handful of bird hunters this week....had to cancel a few hunts on the Tongue/Yellowstone due to EHD. I am only running 3-4 bow hunts here on the Milk...due to 2 yrs. ago EHD...and we just lost a few more deer here in early Sept...and we did not have the deer to lose...
If this guy is the best LoboWatch can do for a spokesman, the organization should fold up like a cheap tent.

He is the organization, the CEO, the BOD, the press, all the committees rolled in one. He's a one man band.

I read on his lobo watch facebook page where he made this 8 mile hike in the Bitterroots where he use to find bountiful game in the old days, (whatever that was because he's a newbie here) anyway I know for a fact that the 8 mile hike he claimed to have taken is actually a 1/2 mile each way. He drove to Twin lakes in the middle of the Selway from the Bitterroot side, the road ends at the start of the second lake of the Twin Lakes. Then if you hike the trail headed for Idaho just about the second Twin you find the lake he claimed was 8 miles in. He's a legend in his own mind. He reminds me of a the court Jester of the kingdom.

Mostly people just use delete when Toby sends his "press releases" out.
Some tidbits from Toby's facebook page:

"This past week, I witnessed how The Sportsman Channel has allowed one pro-wolf element (Backcountry Hunters & Anglers) to spread their lies through an outdoor show that is aired on that network. That show is "Fresh Tracks" with host Randy Newberg. He was hunting the Rocky Mountain Front...saw extremely few game animals...never once identified the real cause for so little game...and expounded on the virtue of expanding such wild areas - which we all know have become little more than inaccessible core areas for wolves and other predators.

Federal Cartridge is the primary sponsor of the show. I'll be putting together a LOBO WATCH Release on all of this during the coming publish on the website and circulate later this week. It's time we let The Sportsman Channel and Federal Cartridge know that sportsmen, as a group, will begin to boycott their show and products. I'll have contact info for both in the release.

Share your thoughts on how we can spotlight how this "Sportsman Channel" and major ammunition manufactuer is now selling out the very same people they serve or market to.

Toby Bridges"

"May be Scott...but right on camera he praised the closing off of more public land...and that just creates less opportunity to manage wolves and other predators. Money talks...and the enviros are spending lots of it to kill hunting. He sure down played the sorry deer numbers he encountered in that "backcountry" ...never showing any of the couple of bucks he claimed to see... including what he claimed to be the "biggest buck" he had ever encountered...again praising the opportunity to see such a deer due to fact that all that country was inaccessible for most hunters. How do we even know he's saw such a deer? Perhaps that was all scripted for the good folks of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers. Land Tawney, Exec. Director of that NGO, isn't known for being the most forthright human being. Randy is keeping some very sorry company if he's so squeaky clean and ethical. - Toby Bridges, LOBO WATCH"
Interesting conversation over there - but one thing: only God can create wilderness and roadless areas. Man can only preserve them. This talk about losing access (especially to the RM Front proposal) is pure baloney - they have never had the access and the area is currently a wilderness area. The only thing people can do is keep it that way.
Regarding the RMF Heritage Act,

No access changes with one exception: A motorized trail will be turned to foot, stock & bike.

The bill also directs the USFS to come up with more opportunity for mountain bikers. When we were putting it together, our goal was to ensure all uses would remain as close as possible to where they are now. Motorized groups were not dissatisfied with the travel plan from 2008 that we based the bill on, but now some are screaming about lost access without knowing a thing about the bill.

It's easy to sit back and criticize,. It's much harder to actually work with folks and get something done.

The bill has been endorsed by 4 former (and one current) FWP Director, 4 former Forest Chiefs and FWP Region 4 has stated that this bill does nothing to impede wildlife management or their current operations. It will help ensure long seasons, and in regards to archery, it will help maintain general tag opportunity over limited entry permits.