PEAX Equipment

Lightweight Rain wear.....

1 Pointer,
I'm knot trying to be argumentative. It's just that we as hunters have an obligation to be more aware of what the companies we patronize really stand for. I try support those who openly and fully support our "consumptive" sports and try convince others in our fraternity to do the same.


Does not taking a stance equate to being "anti-"? There are tons of companies that neither support nor have a position on hunting, and there is nothing wrong with them, is there?

Does Armani have a position on hunting, at least that is who I think designs your suits.... :cool:

Actually, the only reason I posted the defense of REI is that we as hunters should not allow the spread of misleading information about companies, but instead, we as hunters should be joining REI, and every time we are in the store, mention that we like the product for hunting purposes.

My backpack is REI, and I told the sales person it needed to be big enough to stuff a hindquarter of an Elk inside it, and she was fine with that requirement.

Given that REI is a Co-Op, if more hunters joined, and told them that we use their products for hunting, wouldn't they cater toward hunting? If they don't support hunting pro-actively, it is simply because not enough hunters shop there. In the extreme, 1 million hunters could join, cast a ballot for a Director in the membership's next election, and have a hunter on the Board.

If you remember, in this town we used to have a "hunter's" store, (the old version even had the word "Arms" in its' name). And if you went in there, 70% of the stuff they sold was crap, and wouldn't last a season, let alone a hunting trip. Then when REI came to town, we finally got a store that could bring us good quality outdoor gear. And, as they know their market, they have even worked with local hunting groups. It is all good. :)

As for the "consumptive" or non-consumptive, where are we supposed to shop for non-hunting items? I don't know of a single Kayaking/Rafting store that openly supports hunting. (I have certainly made Kayaking a "blood sport" a time or two... |oo ). But I still need to buy equipment. :confused: Does Alberton's have a position on hunting?
Wally- We're not that much different, in a way. ;) I feel (hope) that by not buying all my stuff from hunting supportive stores that'll make them get their gear up to the standards that the mountaineering/backpacking crowd has. As far as supporting hunting, I only support organizations that have buying/improving habitat as their main goal. Thus, The Nature Conservancy and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundations are the main organizations that currently get my support and am looking more in FNAWS.
I'm just an advocate of the old saying "you reap what you sow". Companies that publicly endorse everything BUT hunting are making a statement that they don't wish to be associated with that sector.
So, they don't see any of my money.
As for kayaking........?
I'm not sure whether or not ABS has anything on their website that wood turn me again them. My suspicion is they need to try appeal to everyone, therfore the are extremely cautious about any position taken.
I do remember to "old" store.........It was the best we had at the time and it was before Al Gore invented the internet.

Aren't there many issues that companies should not take a position on, either pro- or anti-?

I really don't want my grocery store to come out pro-life or pro-choice. I am much happier spending my money at a "neutral" place. Same for hunting, I don't ask a store to support it, just don't try and prohibit it.

I think a smart corporation has to decide if the benefit of endorsing something is worth the potential loss, and if it is, proceed. REI is a bit of a different duck, as their goal is not to maximize wealth to the shareholders, but to provide the services and goods that their members want. It is more of a "democracy" than a corporation with shareholders. Potentially, hunters could have a huge impact at REI if they were to join in mass, and start requesting more hunting items.

As for the old store, look at the looney tune positions the former owner is now taking as a legislator. If they were still in business, I would gladly give my money to the "neutral" REI than to have some holier than thou store trying to tell me where and when I can worship. Being neutral is good. :)

Hey RidgeRunner,

Have you seen the Jetboil in action??? It looks like a slick idea. Can you buy one, and have it shipped to me? I'll break it in for you... :D
EG... I have seen it in the magazines and have done all the net work;) that is possible about the thing. It seems like the best thing since sliced bread for what I need it to do. I thought you may of already had one:rolleyes: Guess I 'll just have to add one for you to the christmas wish list..;) :D
So.........................did anyone decide on rainwear? Has anyone tried the MT050 stuff from Cabelas? I'd like to find a waterproof outer layer that I can wear comfortably in any conditions. Example: Something you could wear every day of a week-long trip, whether it rained 24 hours a day every day, or was sunny and 50 every day.


I've been wearing MTO50 for about 7 years now. You could say I've received my money's worth. The jacket is the same initial purchase, however I am on about my 4th pair of pants. A few mishaps with high stepping deadfall, picking my way through devils club and sliding down slippery mountain slopes on my bum puts a hurt on them. Cabela's was awfully nice to send me a new pair replacement pair every time except the last time. Instead they sent me a refund less the S&H. I was told they could no longer replace them. Fair enough, I purchased another pair once I received the refund.
Sat out in the rain all day in Cabelas Micro Pack rain gear last year. Never got a drop of rain on me. the pants and jacket pack in together and probably weighs only a pound. I got a 2XL to fit over the heavy stuff. The best suit I ever have owned
i took frogg toggs to alaska with me. they kept me completly dry but after pushing brush and tall grass with them on the pants were ruined. i will buy another pair for tree stand hunting but for hiking i am looking for something else