Caribou Gear

Letter from my Congressman

Southern Elk

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2015
I wrote my congressman twice in the past week. Once to voice my concern about the latest gun control push and once to voice my displeasure about the two land theft bills. Here is his reply. Anyone else think this is vague and doesn't address either issue that I wrote about?

I will say that I haven't heard from either of my Senators who were sent the same emails.

Thank you for sharing your concerns with my congressional office.

Your correspondence is proof that Mississippians are concerned about America's future. As your voice in Washington, I share your interest in the issues being debated by Congress. This is why I remain committed to fighting for pro-growth laws that promote prosperity through individual freedoms and liberties.

Know this: I will always uphold our Mississippi values. My goal as your representative is to serve the State of Mississippi and our country with honor and integrity.

I look forward to hearing from you again soon.
That there is known as the brush off. They acknowledge your correspondence, and wish you a nice day.

Send them another note or call requesting their position on a bill or issue and don't give them the satisfaction of pushing you off.
My previous Rep. had something similar as an automated reply. He was usually good about a more detailed response at a later time.
That's a brush-off form letter. And it's frustrating.

I've received many such letters in the past, but the Congressman in my current district has been excellent with his responses. Detailed and thoughtful and prompt. I assume that a staffer is penning the letters, but I can't say for sure. Here's the reply I received from the last letter I wrote:

"Dear Mr. ********:

Thank you for contacting me about provisions in H.R. 4909, the Fiscal Year 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, that would threaten protections for the sage grouse. I oppose the inclusion of this language by the House Armed Services Committee and appreciate your advocacy.

Throughout my career, I've strongly supported the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Unfortunately, this important law has been the subject of concerted attacks during the last two Congresses. I'm deeply concerned about the precedent of congressional meddling with the ESA listing process. These decisions should be made by wildlife experts and scientists, not members of Congress.

In Oregon, the Sage Grouse Initiative is a great example of how federal, state, and local agencies can work together with private land owners, conservation advocates and wildlife groups, renewable energy industry stakeholders, ranchers, and mineral prospectors to achieve results that benefit all involved, and attempt to avoid further government intervention. If further intervention is warranted, however, to protect the Sage Grouse, I'll continue to defend the Endangered Species Act, as well as initiatives that build on collaboration and science, from attacks in Congress.

Again, thanks for contacting me.


Earl Blumenauer

Earl Blumenauer
Member of Congress"

It's nice to feel like someone in public office is listening.
Pretty much got the same thing from mine the other day, so I sent him a reply stating that even though the land that was looking to be transfered was probably out west and not much of a concern to most in east Tn, I personally knew of about 25-30 hunters in his district that traveled to those states to hunt on public land and would be keeping them informed on how he voted in the future.
I myselt reciever a classically generic responce from CO Rep. Tipton this morning. He can be assured that he will be hearing more from me soon. I just moved here and he already rubs me the wrong way. Just goes to show how much these guys/gals care about We The People.

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