Latest on Idaho PREF points....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So I was asked the Question today on the Point system so I called my buddy brad Compton and got the hot off the press news. Here is what I heard.

The vote in the last meeting was 4-3 against the system. The issue is the cost. He said the re-send a vote and Pushed it till Jan 12th. They also brought in the guy that does the Nevada, Utah,AZ, Etc draws and negotiated the minimal fee to do a "draw" system. they got it down to about an Extra 3-4 bucks. (Bucks being cash, not an animal... ;) )
The system will be based off the Nevada system, It will be a Prime2+1. The 2 being "square". They are trying to keep it fair enough not to Discriminate against the Youth. Funding is the Biggest key. on raising fees, 65% said no way, 35% said way. on raising the Premium tag fees only 85% said not way and only 15% said way. It's predictable who's voting which way.... Guys with a litle bit of money (In towns usually) voted in the effectthat they would drop more coins to play to hunt. Guys that live in the sticks voted the Other way. Theyy feel things should be left alone and they should just get a tag when they want. Am I steriotyping ? You bet-cha :)

Other then that, I know nothing untill the 13th when I'll know first thing in the AM . I'll update you as the Info comes in. I'm guessing the Paper will have a Printout too, it's a Prety hot topic right now, Just like Land owner tags :p
Is there any real reason they are wanting to use Nevada system which squares your points vs. a system where you just get one point per year? Thats one part of this I haven't really figured out yet. Also where does the additional cost aspect come in? I have no doubt that a bonus point system would take more to establish and use, but I am failing to see who or what is really generating increased cost for the department.
It's not the Department cost internatlly, It's the Subbing out to the Company that actually manages it. Let me give you an Equasion ....


I can Break it doen further if ya need ;)

I also don't understand the #Square deal. Seems like a straight point wuld work the same and be less confusing.. but hell, I don't know. I also think there should be a Loyalty point So if someone puts in 3 years straight they should get an extra point, or something liek that.

We'll see........
Here in Washington, deer and elk points are squared. Moose, sheep, and mountain goat points are not. Don't ask me why, that's just the way it is. With our system, everybody has a chance to draw, not just the applicants with the most points.
Oscar what animals are going to be using the preference point system?
IS Idhao going to all draw or just for goat lopes mosse sheep etc?
Oh I totally understand that work equal time equals money, I just wasn't totally straight on the subbing it out to someone else to manage it. Is there a reason it can't be done internally, within the department? This is sure going to confuse the hell out of a lot of people next year.
It will only confuse the confused. All people need to know if the longer you put in the more of a chance you get. Other then that, the extra couple bucks you pay for the Draw will cover the people that need to know the infastructure and all the important "stuff". :)

Riddle me this, If you were to implement a new system and don't have the Infrastructure to implement it and Subbing it out is more cost effective, would it not be reasonable to do so ?

Remember that:
If {[Work=Time=Cost] then (Lack of resources=More time=More cost)} .... ;)

Del, It's jsut on the Deer/elk right now (I think) but I'm not sure. there is more talk on other pref points. But bloody heck, Drawing a Sheep tag is like 1:4 for a Res. in some units, Why F-up a good thing ? Although having drawn one I guess it doesn't matter to me ;)
Agreed, it will only confuse those who are totally confused anyways. It is kind of comical to hang out at a regional office and watch people come in to buy tags or apply for controlled hunts and have absolutely no idea where they are applying for, where they can hunt, etc. Those people will be even more confused.

As for the cost/contracting it out, it is probably easier as well to let a company that is already doing it handle this as well.

As of now I'm not sure if I'm really in favor of this or not, in theory I should start to increase my chances of drawing the controlled elk hunt I've been trying for, so thats good; but the way it is now is probably the "fairest" system. I do know that I will definitely be applying for that elk hunt again next year, as well as a mule deer one so that I'm in on the bottom floor for the future.

Moosie, the drawing for some moose tags is even better than those sheep odds. The year my dad drew his moose tag their were only 9 applicants for 4 tags, almost a 50:50 chance.
I agree, for a Resident they are IDIOTS if they don't apply for the 3 "tough" draws. I see pleanty of Big deer geting killed in General units. Although I don't partake in such a lucky event of killing a big buck ever, at least the chance is there. Killing a Sheep, Moose or Goat isn't always a possibility in other states so I think people should take advantage of it. You can Bank in a few more years it won't be the same odds as they are today. YAH, It's funny to listen to people !!!!

As of now I'm not sure if I'm really in favor of this or not,

I don't know if I am Or not either. But It's going to come, and I'm relaying what I know. I do like the Fact that I can buy a tag over the counter though, but to each their own.
The nevada system like we use here in AZ is extreamly fair, as long as people dont start throwing in bullshit like, Extra preference points for this and extra for that etc it will always stay fair.

we got people here in AZ that are all upset cause the system is too fair, and they dont get a tag, so they want to throw in things like get an extra bonus point for working with wildlife, get an extra bonus point for x amount of years you been a res , getting an extra bonus point for putting in for x amount of times, getting an extra bonus point for turning a poacher in and the list goes on.
seems like every commision meeting someone is always bringing up and extra bonus point for something issue

They feel that even though the system is fair its not fair to them.
I hope to hell your idaho dept doesnt cave in to the people like we have here in AZ, cause you will have nothing but problems.

Good luck, if they are looking for a fair system thats the way to go.
Pref points just set up waiting lists, making some people have a near-zero chance of drawing. Right now, as it is, we keep people dispersed around on what they apply for, resulting in some reasonable chances of drawing.

This sounds like another scam from that group from Utah that thinks they know what is best for us.
Funny how a thread from 2005 is still a topic in the present. Once again a pref points bill was introduced and luckily it didn't make it through. Who wants to bet we will be talking about this again next year as well.
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You can count on it coming up again next year and by the same ninnys who introduced it this year.

Funny how a thread from 2005 is still a topic in the present. Once again a pref points bill was introduced and luckily it didn't make it through. Who wants to bet we will be talking about this again next year as well.
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