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Latest Federal Review Poll

Hey, did you happen to read this statement?? :D

"This week's composite poll includes the suspicious LA Times poll, showing a Kerry lead of 6 points. I discussed why it is suspicious here. Without that poll's results, the composite poll would show a dead even race." :D

That got an audible laugh out of me!! :D
Here's a critique of the LA Times poll from the Washington Times today.

"According to a statement from LA Times polling director Susan Pinkus yesterday, the political affiliation among the poll respondents was 38 percent Democratic, 25 percent Republican and 24 percent independent ...

Mr. Winston called the 13-point gap between Democrats and Republicans "a huge and unheard-of margin. It would usually be more like three or four points, with the Republicans falling in around 35 percent of the respondents."

That LA Times poll may over represent democrats.
I'm sure you understand the term "maverick"; however, drawing your samples from a liberal Democrat base might tend to skew your results and bias the survey just a tad!
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