PEAX Equipment

Last Ducks of 04


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
Just going through some pics and was looking at the last day I was out with my younger Brother.
Last day and the last four ducks of 04. Can't wait for this fall.



last four ducks of 04
Aren't you hunting this fall. :D Nice to see you were able to hunt the entire season, and with great success none the less.

How many did you end up killing this year? I am sure you out did me and I can live with that, I just want to make sure that you got more than that Moose guy. ;)

Thanks for the pics and I love the snow camo. :D Were you guys hiding in the bails?
MT Miller,
I will have to go back through my log book but I think I ended up with 97 ducks and 22 geese. LOTS OF JERKY.

This is at a feed lot just east of Glasgow, we were hiding in the bales. It was -18 deg. that day and my bother was up from Billings he hadn't planned on duck hunting and so we just threw some clothes together for him.

I am planning to hunt this fall. I guess I should have said last duck/day of the season. Oh well.

Just was through Havre on Thursday on my way home from Helena. Looks kind of dry there, even after the winter.
Nice bag nemont, and a very good year!

You get many specks over your way? We she loads of them in the spring but they are usually quite a ways west in the falll (plus the ones that do fly over ND usually go right through at night).

If you ever get the hankerin' for some ND goose/duck hunting, let me know.