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Keep your fingers crossed for me!

JB Florida

New member
Dec 9, 2000
Florida/Gulf ShoresAlabama
I decided to try the NM elk hunt and am leaving in the AM to drive!

This is my 3rd trip out there and the last 2 trips resulted in leaving early due to circumstances at home.
First, my little boy (2 at the time) fell off a counter and landed on his head resulting in a scary trip to the hospital. (he is fine now)

Second, Hurricane Ivan came in to where we live & Work.
We are almost finished with those repairs from one year ago :confused:

During this trip we are still making Hurricane Katrina repairs and moving into a new office in the bigger building next door.

All that in mind, I still Hope this 3rd trip will be the charm!

We have made a few good friends out there and will have fun if things just stay together at home!