PEAX Equipment

Just helping a guy out!


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
Yesterday my son Travis had his Hot water heater go out so I headed over there to help haul it back to Lowes for a replacement since it was still under warranty. As we drove along we talked of fishing and other stuff. He mentioned that his MIL had brought by a couple of boxes of real spicey crawfish the previous evening, real mini lobsters he said.
We pick up the heater and I help him install it and then he asks me to help him replace a roller/hinge on his garage door. We start working on it and one of the cables binds up and pulls one side out where it came undone, what a mess. Travo is holding that side up trying to put it in place while I try to support the original problem roller, I lift up and BAM! I look around and the tension of the door has caused the part Travo is holding to just cold @#)(# him across the forehead! I rush to hold him steady as I get him in the house and get him set down. There is a red rash and the start of a Goose Egg on his upper forehead, I rush into the Kitchen and grab an old dish towel and wet one end and fill it with crushed ice that I slap on this head to slow the was I suppose to know that was a large cloth napkin he used while eating those spicey crawfish? Sometimes it's best to just say "ya alright" and just go on with your business..............John