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Judging Freak Lopes

Silent But Deadly

New member
Jul 25, 2001
Great Falls, MT
An anonomous friend of mine found a freak looking antelope this weekend that he wants to shoot this season. The deal is that I shot a freak lope a few years ago, and now he wants to shoot one so he can be cool like me. He took a video of it and was telling me how he thinks it is B & C class. After I saw the video, I didn't have the heart to tell him that it looks like a little dink horn and that he can never be as cool as me because I am the originator of shooting freak like antelope. Little does he know, but I am going to do him a big favor and shoot this freak for him so he doesn't have to face the humiliation of living in my shadow. How do I go about doing this without making my friend pissed at me?
Also, how does one field judge a freak lope where the horns stick straight out to the front?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-22-2002 16:20: Message edited by: Weekend Warrior ]</font>
Funny about that... I remember telling an anonymous friend of mine about a strange freak looking lope a couple years back. We named it Kickstand and he killed it after flubbing about 50 stalks on it. Finally nicked it's thoat with a hailmary shot (for him) and it bled to death... poor buck.

I found Kickstand's grandpappy this last weekend. He poops bigger goat pellets than Kickstand. We will once again let Roger Selner determine the official B&C score of this freak. My guess is he will be MT's largest freak-buck ever measured. If not, I will still have a freaky new wall decoration and some rotton lope hamburger. I will then have to go take my frustrations out on a couple fawns, as they are giving two out in that unit this year. :D

Greeny on that tape oscar copied for me has some real freak lopes.. and there wasnt only one of them either more like 5-10 of them....


To judge those lopes with the horns sticking straight out to the front, you will first need to get a bucket, sneak up on it while it is sleeping. Coax the lope to stand up (if it sleeping lying down) by grabbing it by the balls and shoving it's head straight to the ground.

Next place said bucket between the lopes back legs and insert 'you know what' into the lopes anus, this will cause the lopes head to come up quickly (that is if you have a big enough member) and you will get a good view of horns from this position. I call it the lopy style position.

I have used this technique many times on Non-typical lopes. Good luck and remember it's all in the bucket and your member size.
You too can become a master a judging these unique creatures, just follow the advice I gave above. Good luck, and don't try to judge them all in one night, you will regret it. I won't tell you why, but will let you find out yourself. 5-10 of them, whew you are gonna be busy.
I've used that method to field judge sheep. I didn't even think about trying it with antelope. I'll give er a try.

I've already nicknamed the freak buck the
"Oh my god, it is way smaller than I thought, where is the shovel" buck
It sounds like it will come down to a quickdraw competition. My hunting partner and I are often vying for the same animal, so on occasion he has been known to volley a hailmary shot over my head while I am "putting the program" on a real trophy. Thus he has earned the name Quickfire.

It is possible that both hunters will be able to quickdraw their bigbore rifles like Billy the Kid, in that case I think that the Weekend Warrior has the advantage, some people are just destined to kill freaky horned junk.
This is my guess on his size... roughly. We can pull this unedited post to the top after I kill him on October 13th (his unlucky day). Then we can also compare it to Roger's tape of truth sometime after the 60-drying period. I will send in the photo of me in my soiled blue and white paislies with my prize.. the one and only BIG FREAK!... He's going DOWN!

Length 15 1/2"
Mass: 7 1/8, 7, 4 1/8, 2 1/2
Prong: 4 3/4

Now.. That's 82" BABY!! Maybe once again I'll be victim to the dreaded ground shrinkage... But I don't think so. He not a skinny faced lope.. he's got a donkey head!
Has anybody ever tried the "Donkey Punch"? It's very similar to the "Dirty Sanchez."

--- My name is Carlos.. DO AS I SAY!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-22-2002 16:57: Message edited by: Greenhorn ]</font>
THAT's funny.. I got a call from a guy driving down the road after Scouting and HE saw a FREAK antelope..... He said If I wanted to hunt it He'd be a BUDDY and let me shoot it becasue It would be the first lope I got.... I jsut have to draw first

He said it Dwarfed Kickstand and that It will get takenfor sure and someone will do a "IN YOUR FACE" dance after they shoot it.... HAHA !!!
I prefer the Angry Dragon to the Sanchez, but the Donkey Punch works. Just make sure to complete it in one whack!!!
Greenholio, Did you get these estimates using the lopey style technique? Or do you have a better method??
Greeenholio, are you sure your from MT, I have my doubts. I post and you slack off , like some guy from AZ or ID. I think your just some fag that lives on a game farm. Good on ya that you can find some sheds. but sheesh, when there on some game farm then who gives a shit.Just me , don't reply.
Foreskin.. I used the Donkey Punch technique. I've never tried the lopy style method.. new to me. Guess I'm old school in my beastiality preferences.
Donkey punch?? I thought we were talking about antelopes? Please explain the Donkey punch. You need to get with times there MR.

Specialty techniques are all the rage these days. I am working on a book for all small and large game. In order to use most of my techniques you need a spotlight, and you need to get close, so it will really improve your stalking abilities. I'll send ya a copy of the book when it's done. I am having a hard time with Mt. lions I have been torn up quite a few times now and just can't perfect my technique. That and climbing a tree with your homies hanging out can get a little frustrating. Any one know how to climb a tree backwards??
Ya wanna see the freak of freak antelope? Here is a picture of a lope I shot a few years ago during the muzz season. His right horns has the last years 2 previous sheds still fused onto that years growth. Makes a 19 inch curl and pokes him in the eye. What do you think he scores?

That is THE Freak of freak antelope for sure. I doubt you could really score that thing. If I had to guess from the picture I'd say the left was about 30-32" in score, but I can't see the right well enough. If it's 3 years of horn and 19" long it would certainly score higher than the other side. Does it have prongs?

That is for sure the world record UGLIEST lope.
No, the ugly beast doesn't have any prongs, kinda strange. At one time it looked like the other side had the sheath attached but at some point it must have fallen off. His neck also had a couple bare patches on it, appears if he caught some kind of creeping crud. In this particular 3 mile square are I've seen 8-9 freak antelope....must be something in the sage, or the genes.

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