Caribou Gear

Judge tosses Utah stream access law out

I'm confused as to what the rule will be or is going back to.

Will it go back the rule as long as you are in the river and do not set foot in private land you are ok?
It seems great to me?
Always so nervous that there never really is a final, once and for all victory in issues such as this and public access...
Always seems like there can be another wealthy challenge or appeal around the next bend...

Here's hoping!
The law closed 2,700 miles of rivers and streams to recreation o all kinds. They all just opened back up. It does suck that thee will be litigation strung out over it but hopefully this decision will stand and stay the standing decision. There are those who make their career being a "carney of crisis" as Randy says, and they use any situation to capitalize on for personal gain.
This seems to be good news. Coming from Montana, I was totally spoiled by the remarkable stream access we have there. Amazing fishing and wonderful access with seemingly understanding landowners. I am interested to see how this continues to play out, but this appears to be a great step for those of us who love to be in the water wetting a line. I hope anglers and others will still be respectful of the private property. In many ways, we are our own worst enemy.
I recall the Utah "conservation" group supported shutting off access to streams. They hate Joe SixPack but love them some Richie Rich auction tag buying types. I got an email letting me know the Expo registration was open. Hopefully that funding source will get cut off soon. We will see how rigged or open things are soon enough. Fingers crossed the good guys win.
I recall the Utah "conservation" group supported shutting off access to streams. They hate Joe SixPack but love them some Richie Rich auction tag buying types. I got an email letting me know the Expo registration was open. Hopefully that funding source will get cut off soon. We will see how rigged or open things are soon enough. Fingers crossed the good guys win.

+1.... Let's go RMEF seal that expo up!
Definitely good news. There is precedent in an earlier Utah Supreme Court decision that gives hope that any appeal would come to a similar resolution. Definitely not out of the woods entirely, but certainly reasons to enjoy the access to PUBLIC waters again. It truly is a shame that access was ever taken away, no matter how temporary.

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