Yeti GOBOX Collection



New member
Apr 28, 2001
Hey JJHACK; I got a question that you might be able to help me with.I'm wanting to take all 5 color phases of the black bear,my question is Can we still hunt the Kermode, and the Glacier bears?
By the way, did you give a presentation at the Tacoma Sportsman Club a few months ago on hunting in Africa?
Thanks in advance for the info
You can e-mail me at [email protected] with your answers Thanks again

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 29 July 2001 10:45: Message edited by: Hunterman ]</font>
You cannot hunt the kermode bears, and you can hunt the glacier bears but may spend a lifetime to see one. They come in various levels or glacier coloration. I have seen one in my life and hunted there for many years. The one I saw was not 100% or so it looked from where I was. It was very dark, nearly black but with some silver blue along the back. The biggest problem with the glacier bear hunt is the brown bears in the area. it's tough to hunt for black bear when your likely to bump into a griz just about anyplace there. If you don't know the location I'm talking about then I'm sorry but I can't say. Just not enough of those blue bears to go around and I want one too!

There are not "5" color phases there are countless colors. I know we have Black, white, Glacier, for 3 but what are you thinking for the other two cinnimon and blonde? I have killed a 1/2 dozen that are blond on the back with chocolate legs. Another that are so dark red they look black unless the sun is shining on them. I have seen two that were orange nearly as orange as a pumpkin. Some which have a reddish head and black body. There are countless colors to look for! jj
JJ is mostly correct about those Kermode bears. There is one loop in the system. If you see a white phased bear in S.E. Alaska (near where the Canadian Kermodes live) you can indeed shoot it. From what I've been told they are the same bear, just one happens to live on the island the other on the mainland. JJ didn't you see a bear like that once?

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