Ist Elk Hunt

Hatchie Dawg

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
West TN
I've been planning and training for my first elk hunt, backpack hunt to CO, since this past August. I planned a 1st rifle hunt and researched a spot where I could access 3 likely drainages from a high vantage. I set aside two weeks for the endeavor allowing time for scouting and acclimatization to altitude. I felt good about my plan for an alpine hunt. I really felt confident, which I need to be.

Now I've had an unavoidable conflict arise and the only option for me will be 3rd rifle. I've compiled the kill statistics for the OTC units going back 5 seasons and have the top five for hunter success. My original unit actually is one of the top five OTC units for 3rd rifle but I'm not sure I will be able to hunt my original plan as I was going to be over 3 miles from the nearest road, and quite high, starting around the tree line and working down.

At this point I am a bit discouraged and a bit intimidated by the later start. Facing the potential weather and having the feeling the place will already be shot up are two of the thoughts I'm dealing with. I will now only have two scouting days at the most and maybe one day to lay around for altitude. I guess I'm scrambling around a bit now as to forming a new plan. Any general third season advice and strategies would be appreciated.
Hunted third season last year. Lots of elk to be had. Parked at the trailhead and hiked in 1.5 miles each day. Saw tons of elk, and very few hunters. The elk had been pressured into the tougher country, but that made theme easier to find.

Will be back again in 2011, same spot, same season.

General advice, from a guy who has hunted OTC 3rd Season only one time:

1. Expect a lot of hunters.
2. Use #1 to your advantage by going where the hunters will be less likely to go and you will find elk.
3. Pray for snow.
4. Don't sweat the small stuff, you will see lots of elk and will have a lot of fun.
Thanks for the reply Big Fin. I appreciate the encouragement. I spoke with the district biologist yesterday and he was encouraging for the third season. He really suggested some of the same areas I was researching, just lower down the drainage and gave the advice I hear alot in saying get off the beaten path to find the elk.

I've used the NDIS system a great deal in making my hunt preps and I'm now looking at the winter concentration areas and migration corridors for my unit. Have you used it and found the info to be a reliable place to start? Also, did ya'll have to get well off the trails to get into animals on your 3rd season hunt? Just wondering. A couple of the winter areas have a number of trails and I think it may be too many.

Anyway, thanks for the help. Your words and the help from the biologist have settled me. I'll be a long way from home and out of my element so I really appreciate it.

what part of Colorado are you planning on going Hatchie? I don't know anything about elk hunting but I'm trying to learn.
Third season success could easily be weather dependent. They will be holed up in out of the way places. A spike camp could really makes a difference, but weather can sock you in instantly. Think about your safety also.
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