Is Your Dog a Cannibal


New member
Nov 28, 2001
My dog Charlie started having full blown grand maul seizers for no reason, they are quite ugly to see

So I've been doing quite a bit of research to figure out why, over time, I'll post my results, these are some of them so far and it's getting to be quite disturbing finding some of the answers

Over the last couple days, I've changed a few things, one is diet, one is municipal water, we will see over time if this will make the seizures stops

"Is Your Dog a Cannibal? Think Again.."

Your dog's food contains dead pets, mostly cats and dogs!

Euthanized dogs about to be processed into dog food

The city of Los Angeles alone, for example, sends some two hundred tons of euthanized cats and dogs to a pet food plant every month.

Not only is this immoral and disgusting... it's deadly.

The true horror is the drug used to kill these stray and abandoned animals, Sodium Pentobarbital, is not broken down by the manufacturing process and is still present in active form in your dog's food!!

And dog food companies don't stop with pets, your dog is also eating euthanized animals from zoos, animal control and putrid, decaying road kill.

All of these dead animals and other ghastly materials are processed until the portion left over for dog food production is a brown powder, which consists of ...

25% fecal matter - yes, 25% animal crap! [Author, Howard F. Lyman]

"Journalist Exposes Ugly Link Between Dog Food & Dead Pets"

Author and research investigator, Ann N. Martin discovers vets have known for years the dangers of feeding dogs euthanized animals but still it continues..

"This [using euthanized animals in dog food] can be problematic because sodium pentobarbital can withstand the heat from rendering.

For years, some veterinarians and animal advocates have known about the potential danger of sodium pentobarbital residue in commercial pet food, yet the danger has not been alleviated."

She continues on to reveal, not only is your dog eating dead pets, but he or she is also eating the collar, ID tags and plastic bags they are put in..

"It is not uncommon for thousands of euthanized dogs and cats to be delivered to rendering plants, daily, and thrown into the rendering vat—collars, I.D. tags, and plastic bags—to become part of this material called "meat meal."

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