Kenetrek Boots

Is the grass always greener?


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
You could say the winter blues are kicking in, as my mind becomes cloudy with thoughts of moving to the mountains....I've read threads from others on this site that have posted similar ideas. My main question, was it worth it?

Living in the yoop, I thought I had it all! Until the first time I stepped into the mountains, now there is an empty void. Most people here don't understand that void, but I'm sure some of you here do. How do you fill that void? Am I the only one who contemplates moving to the mountains on a daily basis!?

You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone - Roy Bennett
I guarantee you would miss being surrounded by water. Even more when you show up at the reservoir and 50 other people are already there.
Well, I did exactly what you just described 3 years ago after dreaming about it for years. Grew up in Northern IN (yes been up to the UP alot), spent 22 yrs on the east coast in new england raising the kids, and was miserable for most of that time wishing I was in MT. After the kids went off to college, my wife and I moved out to MT, there isn't hardly a day I don't have a smile on my face.

but there are sacrifices, it's not all peaches & cream. The biggest of which is not being right there for the kids on the weekends or short breaks at school, fixing their cars when needed, or just being around family. I'd be a liar if I didn't say it is emotionally difficult at times, to put it lightly. however our kids love to visit out here and we get to do all kinds of adventures and show them MT with when they are here.

We took a financial hit with income, but we are not materialistic and really don't care, we make ends meet w/a little extra leftover and once the kids are out of college we will be able to get back on our savings plans. All the money in the world doesn't mean shit if you're miserable and your standard of life is horrible, I've been there done that, take the money I'd rather be happy.

that being said, I can't remember the last time I was this happy in my life, just a whole complete happiness, it's wonderful. (alot also has to do w/the wife, she is an amazing person) :giggle:
Psh bruh,I know people who have vacation homes in the UP.
There’s literally songs and YouTube shows about the town I live in sucking. Lol

You will not regret it. I did see where some crazy forum member moved from AK to SD. Don’t do something like that. WY MT CO ID UT is where you want to be...
I would leave CO off the list personally.

If I was single with no children I would've moved to Wyoming 5 years ago. If I tried that now my mom would scalp me for trying to steal her grandbabies. I don't plan on leaving my small town or close knit family anytime soon. Instead I'll just make spending time exploring the western US, hopefully with a tag in my pocket, a priority.
I would leave CO off the list personally.

If I was single with no children I would've moved to Wyoming 5 years ago. If I tried that now my mom would scalp me for trying to steal her grandbabies. I don't plan on leaving my small town or close knit family anytime soon. Instead I'll just make spending time exploring the western US, hopefully with a tag in my pocket, a priority.
If he’s single and no kids forget Wyoming and go to Alaska.
Wow! Some great responses and first hand knowledge. My wife and I have jobs that are in need throughout the whole country. She's in the medical field and me public service, I know most areas in the west are in need of these jobs. No kids, so I feel like now is the time to take the leap.
Wow! Some great responses and first hand knowledge. My wife and I have jobs that are in need throughout the whole country. She's in the medical field and me public service, I know most areas in the west are in need of these jobs. No kids, so I feel like now is the time to take the leap.

Just do it.....
What part of the UP? My dad grew up in iron river, so we’ve been up there many times over the years for summer vacations, usually fishing a different lake or stream every day.

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