Infected turkey breast


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2014
Timberville, VA
My son got a gobbler this weekend for youth weekend. I wanted to post sooner but I must've had some issues with data service. Anyhow when we took the breast out I noticed some green looking slimy stuff on the breast near the wishbone. I thought it may have been digestive juices and assumed it was superficial. It was not. It went about an inch or a bit more into the meat following a line but it was not hollowed out like an abscess. We have trimmed liberally and split the breast and soaked each side separately in salt water. It didn't smell but I am very nervous to eat any of it. Have any of you guys ever run into this. I am deffinitely a turkey hunting novice.
Did you grab any pics? Did it smell bad? Was there pus or fluids associated with it? How big a spot are we talking?

If it was pretty well demarcated, didn’t smell bad (like seriously infected), and wasn’t that big you are probably fine if you trimmed it well. If you are worried, just make sure you cook it well.
Did you grab any pics? Did it smell bad? Was there pus or fluids associated with it? How big a spot are we talking?

If it was pretty well demarcated, didn’t smell bad (like seriously infected), and wasn’t that big you are probably fine if you trimmed it well. If you are worried, just make sure you cook it well.

I'm sorry but posting was an afterthought, so no pictures. The color was roughly grass stain green. The spot in the meat was approximately the diameter of a sharpie and a little over an inch deap. It did not smell and it appeared to be in the muscle fiber. Not in a cavity like an abscess.

As far as concern I initially trimmed and never thought about it. 15 minutes later I was concerned. I really didn't want to make a trip to the ER under these circumstances. Ha.
My buddy killed one a few years ago that was like that. I’m not sure if he kept it or not. I would think it would be fine after trimmed and cooked but really not sure. Congrats to him though! Me and my son were close both days but didn’t seal the deal.
Was it a shotgun harvest? Maybe a BB took some stomach stuff with it. I know you said it wasn't digestive discharge but just a thought. You probably would've found a BB too if that was there case. I know ive harvested a lot of ducks that have "rice breast" and other oddities. At the end of the day it comes to piece of mind, if you don't feel safe eating then don't. My dog loves to eat all my questionable game meat!
How long has the season been open, could it be a wound from another hunter a few days before you all shot it?
I'm sorry but posting was an afterthought, so no pictures. The color was roughly grass stain green. The spot in the meat was approximately the diameter of a sharpie and a little over an inch deap. It did not smell and it appeared to be in the muscle fiber. Not in a cavity like an abscess.

As far as concern I initially trimmed and never thought about it. 15 minutes later I was concerned. I really didn't want to make a trip to the ER under these circumstances. Ha.

Grass stain green does sound potentially like a transfer of gizzard or upper digestive contents possibly. If there wasn’t any foul smell or discharge, and it was such a small spot, it’s unlikely you have some systemic infection to worry about. Granted I didn’t actually see it, but from what you describe I would probably have trimmed it and kept the rest too.

Congrats to your son. Another couple weeks and I’ll hopefully find one too!
I would venture it's a wound from fighting.
That's a common spot to get spurred...I've seen countless gobblers with scar tissue.
Nasty chit in the crop sometimes, maybe something associated.
I’ve had bucks with bruised flesh, holes in the hide, green streaks in the flesh and hide. It's from fighting. I cut an extra 1" around the bad-looking area then see if the part I'm keeping smells OK, and it always has. One of my turkeys last year had green on part of one thigh. Generous cuts around the bad area and ate the rest. Was fine.

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