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Immigration Moratorium

Marland, thanks for that link! That is a great website. I'd like to quote something from there, for Dan's benefit (and others.)

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Under a federal law known as the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, illegal aliens can receive emergency medical care at U.S. hospitals – and we, the taxpayers, pick up the tab through higher insurance premiums, fees, and taxes. Indeed, thousands of illegal aliens show up in emergency rooms of border hospitals every year and the costs are staggering. The U.S.-Mexico Border Counties Coalition estimates that emergency medical treatment for illegal aliens in the year 2000 was over $200 million for 77 border-area hospitals in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The costs are nearly a billion dollars when other states are factored in.

In Mexico, the people are well aware of this law and exploit it to the nth degree. Illegal Mexicans willingly brave the most dangerous desert crossings of our southwest border with the knowledge that if their bodies cannot take it and they are picked up by the Border Patrol, they will be taken to an American hospital and receive free medical care. Mexican women who are nine months pregnant are another favorite patient at border hospitals. They too risk their lives – and the life of their unborn child – so they can deliver their babies in an American hospital. They know that by having an “anchor baby” on U.S. soil, their child gains immediate citizenship, and they, as mothers, are allowed to stay in the U.S. indefinitely.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dan, you don't feel this is a problem? I really don't get why you don't have a problem with it, especially since you live in Arizona.
you made some great point`s wash. hunter! we all have compassion for kid`s, but that is insane to move that girl to the top off the list! ahead of taxpaying american citizen`s, if any of you guy`s want to see more of the truth about the crimes and damage that the illegal`s are doing in arizona you should check out [] you then have to join the politicaly incorrect board, once you get in you can sift thru many of the topic`s there, it`s loaded with site`s and stuff posted by az hunter`s, i can`t believe dan has not seen this stuff. the bleeding heart crap! WH is dead on on this one! gonna save all the "feed the children" cases as well?.......what about the Ethiopians?.....the the refugees in Kosovo? about the Iragees that are fixin to get their asses nuked? I love your sentiment.....but get real. That kind of poetry works in novels, but in real life, the big fish eats the little fish, and the food chain goes on. Just be thankful your one of the big fish and count your blessings.

Like I said before........let's take care of our own firstm then we can save the world.

If you give up your lifestyle you have now, and go on a mission trip to some third world country and walk the talk, you'd have a better sale.......until the lip service.

PS......I'll buy your plane ticket to any third world country you would like to try to save....
well now i see that mexico won`t support our war with iraq, it must be because they have serious reservation`s about invading into another country`s border`s.
Well you know how strongly the people of Mexico feel about respecting other countries borders.
well it`s about 1-2 times a week that a coyote shoot`s an illegal that either doesn`t pay his tab or try`s to escape 40-60 illegal`s rounded up in one house,and held hostage, this is a common thing these day`s in maricopa county! still think lettuce is cheap? try adding in the overhead [law enforcement]
no nation in history has had it`s demographics changed so drasticaly without a war! but the illegal`s will and are changing the U.S.A. into a hispanic[mexican] nation without firing a shot, and it`s our fault because we tolerate it ! we sit on our ass and do nothing about it, save your own culture, call your congressman and tell them to take drastic action to shut it down.