Idaho Power looks to Big Sky Country for electricity


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
No sooner did I come up with this brilliant idea
I found this in the Statesman. More electrical demand on Montana's plants, to fill in the shortages in IDaho

Killing Fish and Fouling the Air in Montana
We wouldnt have a shortage is they'd quit selling our power to California. A year or two ago Idaho Power built a brand spanking new gas generated power plant just outside town. I was told that they dont use it because we have a surplus of electricity. How ironic.

Montanan's will share our electricity with you candy ass Idahonian's so you can have your A. C.. We don't want all you fat asses to sweat and start stinking up the neighboring states. Sounds like PPL is selling their power pretty cheap based on the article. Maybe they should bump it a couple cents a K. W. since Idahoan's don't like dams.


Ever hear of peak usage? Deregulation? Future growth? Enron? How long do you think it takes to build a power plant these days, permit process to completion? A lot of things can happen to the market in a couple of years. Part of the risk in building a plant, and the main reason why California is so screwed up energy wise.

Deregulation? Is that the brilliant idea where you deregulate an industry with a Natural Monopoly. And then expect 5 electric companies to set up shop in town and line up outside grandman mabels house competing for her business.

Ive been to public service commission meetings on this issue, Deregulation of the electric industry was and is the Stoopidest idea that republicans have ever pushed. Hmmm, I wonder what was in it for them?
Maybe we can breach all the power generating dams and build power plants all over Montana. Think of all the jobs that will create! We'd be happily fishing in Idaho and all those poor Montana residents can be working.

Deregulation is a lot like the Russians switching over from communism to capitalism. Short term it sucks, long term it is necessary for survival.

I wouldn't want to be in the energy business depending on the fickle American public. One minute they are whining about high prices, the next minute they are talking about uncorking the dams. Then they bitch about air pollution in California, then they put in an ice skating rink in Los Angeles. Heck, here in Montana, some of the people wanted to take some of the dams from the power companies, and then let the state own and run them. Good thing that grand socialist idea got stomped on last election. How did you vote on that initiative? Based on prices PPL is selling power to Idaho for, deregulation looks like it may be working.

The consumer is sure to come out way ahead when power is deregulated and all contol is given back to the monopoly. Why the hell do you think the gummint has to step in and break up monopolies? It couldnt be because they screw the consumer. NOOOO couldnt be that.

Paul are you really that freaking stupid?

Maybe along with burning wood you should look into some kerosene lamps...because that corn hole of yours is about to get reamed good by the electricity deregulation that you find so appealing.

Oh, and your right about this statement, "Based on prices PPL is selling power to Idaho for, deregulation looks like it may be working."

Its a great deal for the electricity monopoly, they show huge profits while setting prices based on how much of a profit they want to make, fake shortages, threat of blackouts, etc. etc. etc. You know typical crap that any monopoly pulls to hammer the consumer.

Guess who's going to be paying higher and higher power prices in the near future? Take a good look in the mirror.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-31-2003 16:15: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
PaulC, I agree that capitalism and fair competition are a good thing in most cased, but not in a natural monopoly. Energy deregulation is not at all like Russia converting to capitalism. And no we wont have to eat bark off trees like the North Koreans if we don’t let the big power companies dry phuck us, which is another of your catch alls. Due to the expense and risk involved in setting up new plants and inability to run new transmission lines, unflexible grids, and several other things, there will never be fair competition in the energy industry. ie., Grandma Mabel isnt going to be able to call 5 companies and choose the lowest power rate, ever.

I think Roosevelt was president when energy regulation was passed, and he had enough wisdom to see that there would never be fair competition in any industry that is natural monopoly. About 20 years ago, several Natural Monopolies were deregulated, one of these was telephones service. How many choices do you have for phone service providers at you house? At my house I have one choice, Qwest, and they suck the big one but I wont go into that. The big guy will always squeeze the little guys out in a natural monopoly setting.

If youve ever worked on getting easements on any new linear utility, its just about impossible. So anyone who thinks we are gonna criss-cross the country with new lines to provide better transmission is crazy. Also, little guys are not gonna come in and sell power at a cheaper rate using the big company’s transmissions lines, so the power provider choices are never gonna go up just because of deregulation.

Deregulation of a NATURAL MONOPOLY will never be good for Montana in the long term. We have 100 years of history (e.g., railroads, natural gas, phone) to teach us whats happens when a natural monopoly is allowed to run loose, corruption.

Hopefully, the PSC will not be allowing Northwest Energy to raise our gas costs freaking 45% this year.

By limiting supply (no more drilling), and increased demand (more people), your gas prices will go up to what ever the market will bear. Get used to it.

Paul, try staying on topic, whats wrong, comprehension a little slow?

I see the one reference to gas by rockydog, but for christ sake, how about the rest of his reply? Tell me you have at least one smart-assed reply.

You're getting pretty good at skirting issues when you get your ass handed to you.

Tell us all how good of an idea deregulation is.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-02-2003 20:16: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>

Rockydog's reply was very well thought out and good. Much better than your pile of dung. That's why I didn't even waste my time responding to you.

Bottom line is you better not be dependent on the gummint to provide things for you such as energy, food, medicine, a job, social security, ect... You will only be let down.

Some interesting economic theories. All filled with partial truths.. and partial errors.. How the hell do you "deregulate" a "monopoly"? If you regulate it in the first place, it's not a monopoly. The providing of natural gas or electricity, or gasoline, by the nature of the commodity will always be limited in sources. There are only so many places you can get the crude oil to make gasoline or the wells and cracking plants to create usuable natural gas. It's an expensive process and a complicated one. So the provision is limited to the numbers of organizations with the capital resources to accomplish the task. People don't invest that kind of time and money to provide thier fellow man with comfort. They do it to maximize the return on investment. So every chance they get, they squeeze a little tighter. Right now, they are scared to death because there are several new sources of energy becoming available.

Vehicles powered by internal combustion engines will soon be a thing of the past. Anyone who relies on gasoline as a power source will be paying $5.00 to $8.00 a gallon for it. Other hydrocarbon fuels and by products of the gasoline cracking process will increase in price accordingly, if they remain available at all. From our prospective it will get worse before it gets better, so stand by. I think what you are seeing are the death throes of major oil companies... I for one, am glad to see it. They've had their hands up the skirts of America long enough...

PaulC, gas prices will go up anyways. Its just a matter of whether they go up in your lifetime, or in your kids or grandskids lifes when the supply runs out.

dr, insert "NATURAL" before monopoly and you wont be twisting what i said.

Lets all collect $200 for passing GO.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-03-2003 08:13: Message edited by: RockyDog ]</font>