Idaho Mt Goat Hunt


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2008
I have been stinking busy this year, of course the year I have a goat tag in pocket. I was able to get out one day this last weekend though and found some goats. Only got close enough to one of the goats to determine he was not a shooter. Saw one that looked like a dang horse up on a rock face but couldn't get good enough pictures to get a better look at his horns. Here are some pics of my first outing. To be continued....
Wish you the best of luck,my last weeks goat hunt was not any better,a ton of snow up high,4-5inches of new wed night,a wet pack trip out thursday.All in all funner than heck!
Leave in the AM for 4 more days..
Good luck Baerman! Keep after them till you find the one you want... that one on the rock face looks awesome, great hair! Wishing great weather your way! can't wait to hear the story!
Thanks for the encouragement boys, getting up in that country can be challenging but very rewarding.

Also, all pictures have been taken with my new Samsung Galaxy S4. The camera on this thing is pretty dang good and it's much faster than my iphone was. It's a light little device too that is easy to pocket for the adventure. I have been packing my DSLR but am considering after downloading these pictures to leave it back at the truck.
Wish you the best of luck,my last weeks goat hunt was not any better,a ton of snow up high,4-5inches of new wed night,a wet pack trip out thursday.All in all funner than heck!
Leave in the AM for 4 more days..

Good luck this weekend! Look forward to seeing your grip and grin photos and hearing the story.
FWIW, I would not leave the DSLR at home. As good as the cell phone pics are, they are not as good as a 'real' camera, and this is a once in a lifetime tag. Just my 2 cents...
Another weekend in goat country but no goat sightings! Covered and glassed a lot of ground. Saturday weather was really good, went into a canyon where a nice billy had been spotted previous years but couldn't turn up any of white ghosts. The drive into another spot on Sunday looked to provide a promising day but when I crested the summit the weather flip floped on me. Low cloud cover made glassing difficult. I went on a hike anyways and turns out it was just to prepare me for next weekend. I'm getting antsy now. Four weekends left and I feel like it's the bottom of the ninth with the weather we have been getting this early.









Looks like this weekend brought some good goat hunting to many who had tags left in their pockets. Big congrats to Crittergitter and hk_willow on their successful hunts this weekend. My weekend was much the same. We made it up to goat country Friday about noon and quickly started glassing goats. After getting camp set it was time to get a close look.



Definitely not what we were looking for but it was fun to get up and close with some goats.

The mountain we had to climb to get up was steep and getting up was no fun at all but getting down might have been worse.


Saturday morning we glassed up the same goats in the same location, 14 total at one time. It was fun to watch them climb the mountain and steep rock but with no white gorillas in sight off we went into another canyon looking for mr big. Wouldn't you know it, we quickly found more goats up in a rock bowl. After glassing for about 30 mins and only seeing two goats we figured they were worth a closer look. Up again we went. As we closed the gap we put the spotter on them to see they were billys but just average goats. Nothing near enough to get my heart pounding.


After enjoying the views, we quickly hiked back down to continue the quest.


By the time we got back down we were whooped and ready for dinner. We made it back to camp with about 30 minutes of light to spare so we set up the glass and looked to see if there were any visitors amongst the 14 goats we looked earlier and the night before. Wouldn't you know it, we see what appears to be the big goat from two weeks ago. The group of goats were split in two and he was inspecting one group with some purpose. He got close enough to that group that apparently another billy (which did not look near as big as the one I had my sights set on) charged. It looked like they butted heads a little and within quick matter they separated but stood proud egging the other to make a move. Mr big apparently had enough and he quickly made a move on the other group. With just enough light to spare we saw him join the other group near some trees.

Sleeping that night was tough. I was hopeful that he would be there with the group in the morning but had my doubts. At first light I was out looking for the goat and quickly spotted the group from the night before. It seemed with little light that all the adults were him but it didn't take long for me to come to the realization he was no longer in the group. We had breakfast and watched to see where the group would feed thinking maybe they would lead us to mr big. Once they crested the ridge we made it over to the other side to get a brief glimpse of the big billy walking through some trees. We quickly got up on a vantage point waiting him out hoping he would get up and mil around.


After three hours of nothing patience got the best of us and off we went. Along the way we came across five other goats, nannys, small billy and kids. For some reason we followed them up and over the ridge in hopes that he would be there with the others but as we looked over the other side, nothing, they were long gone.



After regrouping we decided we should continue with the original plan and side hill throgh the area we last spotted the billy. Slowly hiking around the mountain we rounded a ridge and at just 100 yds in front if us we found him in his bed soaking up amaizing views of the valley below. We sat, got comfortable with sights on the target. A couple whistles and le lifted his head enough that I could get a high neck/shoulder shot. He was down in his bed and the high fives began.






With just a couple hours of light left we quickly got to work and started the trek down the mountain. After getting cliffed out a couple times, we slowly found our way down and made it safely to the road.


I check the goat in today with IDFG and they measured the horns at 9.75". He is more than I could have ever asked for. He has the horn length, mass, roman nose and horse face. I feel blessed beyond belief.

Huge thank you to my two friends Charlie Perry and Zach Hilditch. Zach is not even a hunter but did not hesitate one bit to come along for the adventure. He kicked my butt up the hill too. Most of all, thank you to my wife for allowing me to spend time away from the family so I could chase one of my dream hunts. The Stone Glacier pack worked wonders in carrying the entire cape. I'm not sure how people packed game off the mountain before these high tech hunting packs were available. Short of my rifle the backpack was the most crucial piece of gear I had.

Lastly, thanks to those of you who offered words of encouragement. This hunt is challenging but more rewarding that all others put together.

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