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Idaho BUCK 213 Gross (Pictures).


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
A real good friend of mine (Steve Alderman) with Lowland Mulies was out yesterday hunting with a 13 year old kid (Justin) and his dad (Joe). Steve and Jusin both had tags and were looking over some killer bucks. Steve had been on this buck for over 2 years with hours of video of it. It was with a Awesome 4 point buck (190 Class).

Opening morning 2 other guys had slipped in and took the 4 point that the kid was going to take and busted this buck into another drainage. After only 1 hours time they had found this awesome buck again and Justin was able to Knock it down for a Buck of a Lifetime !!!

This buck is 30" wide 213 Gross Shot Oct 5th at 9:30AM. It has 7 points on one side and 10 points on the other. Truely a Great buck !!!!

: Alderman on the left, Justin and his dad Joe :


Sweet Deer And most importantly looks like some very happy hunters .
I really enjoy those mixed bag ducks after I have callmed down my trigger finger with a couple limits I always try to get one bird of each till my limit is reached.
Oh.. that is on seperate days
Congrats to the lucky young hunter! Memories to last the rest of his life... Takes one hell of a guy to give up an animal like that for somebody else! Pretty selfless if you ask me.

Way to go,

Awesome buck!
I've talked to Steve several times, I know he works hard for his deer. Congrats to the young hunter he helped.
Steve wanted me to tell all you guys thanks for the compliments. I think he is still in the bath room crying. Don't get me wrong he is very happy for Justin, he just Knows that there won't be any more filming of that awesome buck. Congrats to the proud father and son as they make there way back to Washington. Nice work Steve, when are you going to find me a buck like that?

Bambi fan
That is a nice buck and one that will be hard to top for the young hunter. A true toad and a job well done :cool: congrats to the whole gang involved
Awesome buck! My taxidermist also told me of a 218 non-typical buck, 35" spread that came out of unit 44 in the last couple of days. Hopefully we will get the story on that one also.
He's gonna have to look hard and long to top that one! Congrats to them! Now if I could just find some 'easy' country like that for mule deer. ;)
He's gonna have to look hard and long to top that one! Congrats to them! Now if I could just find some 'easy' country like that for mule deer. ;)