Idaho big 3 deadline April 30th.

Torn between giving moose one more attempt, or sticking with my recent pattern of elk, deer, and antelope. Some moose hunts have much better odds than the elk and deer hunts I apply for.
I'm not going to play the ID game. When I start buying some OTC tags for deer or elk, then I'll start buying the license and apply...
I decided to jump into Idaho this year for Mountain Goat. Compared to the new prices of MT and much better odds it was an easy choice.
Was about to pull the trigger for moose, but my brother-in-law/hunting partner is taking a job in Oregon. Can't say the prospect of cutting up and hauling out a moose by myself is all that enticing so, I guess I'll be sticking with the smaller critters for the foreseeable future.
Unfortunately, I can't apply for goat again so I'm in for sheep this year. With super long odds I might have better luck drawing in Nevada but somebody needs to win.
Seems like the trend is Cali sheep. With a number of us in at least the odds of someone sharing an Idaho sheep story increase.

Got my wife in for moose too! Freezer is low and could use some good eats this next winter.

Good luck all!
I decided to jump into Idaho this year for Mountain Goat. Compared to the new prices of MT and much better odds it was an easy choice.

It is better odds, but still pretty low. Don't forget the 10% cap on nonresidents.

Looking at some of the mountain goat units it looks like the odds are pretty good. Some up there in the 20%+ range.

But they cap the nonresident tags to 10% of the total which has been 5 tags the last several years for goats. That means your actual odds are closer to 3% than the 20%+ you might see when looking at it by unit.

Still better than some other states where the odds are 1% or lower, but we are still talking about some pretty low chances, I'm not packing my bags yet! ;)

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