Idaho allows hunters to kill two bulls and two bucks a year why in the #%& is that ok


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2011
Hodale, Idaho
Idaho allows hunters to kill two bulls and two bucks a year why in the #%& is that ok

They are obviously considering moving to more controlled hunts. My question is they are worried about the declining quality of elk hunting in Idaho so why continue to allow people to kill two Buck/bulls a year by purchasing a second non resident tag? If you want to provide quality and opportunity letting a few people with a few 100 extra dollars shoot two rag horns a year is pretty stupid in my mind.
And to all of the people who buy a second tag and shoot two 3pt deer every year I know that it's legal but does it make it right? Will you feel guilty when the current system fails and we go to all controlled hunts? Will you be mad on the years you don't draw a tag and don't get to hunt deer or elk at all? I have been tempted to buy a second tag many times myself when I have already tagged out and think I still have a "sure thing" but I have refrained from doing it for 1 reason (if there's not enough deer and elk to go round why should I be able to shoot 2 a year)
The elks survey that idaho fish and game has out right now is full of different ways to restrict harvest and maintain hunting opportunities my suggestion is to wright in the suggestion box at the end of the survey (WE NEED TO STOP ALLOWING HUNTERS TO KILL TWO DEER/ELK A YEAR IF WE WANT THE QUALITY TO COME BACK).
That is a better option in my mind Then only allowing you to buy a tag every other year or all of the other things they are suggesting to help reduce harvest.
BS retract this statement..... or at least modify it, stop putting those hunters that purchase two tags into one lump some.... there are some that actually need this..... I am hole heartedly against your statement... we will chat on Monday fishing if you want..... i'm not out too shoot a big buck big bull, i'm out too feed my family and enjoy what god gave us....
I agree

BS retract this statement..... or at least modify it, stop putting those hunters that purchase two tags into one lump some.... there are some that actually need this..... I am hole heartedly against your statement... we will chat on Monday fishing if you want..... i'm not out too shoot a big buck big bull, i'm out too feed my family and enjoy what god gave us....
There is a quota every year. If there are still leftover NR tags then you can purchase one. IMO it helps revenue if more NR tags are sold, they ain't making it off the residents. When I draw the late 39 hunt I typically buy an extra tag so I can hunt the general units. The one time I didn't I had 2 4 pts walk past me at 25 yards (while elk huntin) in full velvet. I am still kicking myself for not buying a extra NR tag that year. I see no issue with this if there are still tags left. I don't understand your reasoning at all........:confused::confused:

I am not sure about the argument about feeding your family as you can buy a lot of beef for the cost of a NR tag, extra fuel, etc. I buy them for the love of hunting and it creates more opportunity. But to each his own.
I am not sure about the argument about feeding your family as you can buy a lot of beef for the cost of a NR tag, extra fuel, etc. I buy them for the love of hunting and it creates more opportunity. But to each his own.

this is the explanation I guess, lets see I can feed my family red meat and enjoy hunting for one cost, or I can spend money hunting or fishing than spend even more money too buy red meat, I love hunting more than anything in my life other than my family and so why not combine the two and not have too deal with the non-fresh mass produced crap you buy in store's, not too mention the occasional e coli outbreak... I'd rather eat something that I take and process, I know where its been, and so on.... have you ever watched any of the shows that tell you about where your food you eat come from, start watching some informative shows.... but like you said too each his own....:D
this is the explanation I guess, lets see I can feed my family red meat and enjoy hunting for one cost, or I can spend money hunting or fishing than spend even more money too buy red meat, I love hunting more than anything in my life other than my family and so why not combine the two and not have too deal with the non-fresh mass produced crap you buy in store's, not too mention the occasional e coli outbreak... I'd rather eat something that I take and process, I know where its been, and so on.... have you ever watched any of the shows that tell you about where your food you eat come from, start watching some informative shows.... but like you said too each his own....:D

I agree 100 percent, I feed my family nothing but elk and deer every year with the occasional oryx thrown in. We have watched a bunch of those shows and it makes you want to puke.
this is the explanation I guess, lets see I can feed my family red meat and enjoy hunting for one cost, or I can spend money hunting or fishing than spend even more money too buy red meat, I love hunting more than anything in my life other than my family and so why not combine the two and not have too deal with the non-fresh mass produced crap you buy in store's, not too mention the occasional e coli outbreak... I'd rather eat something that I take and process, I know where its been, and so on.... have you ever watched any of the shows that tell you about where your food you eat come from, start watching some informative shows.... but like you said too each his own....:D

Oh I am with you, I was just pointing out the obvious. I just hope you are processing all your meat yourself (I do) as you may not get your animal back from the butcher. :D Several years ago I took a goose in to get smoked, it was a perfect head shot, no steel in the meat. Well what I got back was someone else's shot up sewer pond rat. I said no more! :W::D
BS retract this statement..... or at least modify it, stop putting those hunters that purchase two tags into one lump some.... there are some that actually need this..... I am hole heartedly against your statement... we will chat on Monday fishing if you want..... i'm not out too shoot a big buck big bull, i'm out too feed my family and enjoy what god gave us....
I knew I would get it for these one.

I guess it all comes down to one question is their enough deer and elk to at least maintain the current system because that survey makes me think that fish and game is thinking of taking away some opportunity to increase the population.
I would rather shoot one deer /elk a year forever than have the whole state switch to draw only and get to hunt every 3rd year.
Can anyone agree with me on that.

PS I also only eat deer elk and fish but I only need one for me and one for crystal
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I think the survey is just a general questionare to see what elk hunters in Idaho want for an elk hunting experience. Fish and game officials consistently just hear from a vocal minority on management decisions and are hoping to hear from more than the usual when it comes to this re-write of the states overall elk management plan.
I buy two deer tags some years so I can hunt a muley and a whitetail in the same year. Like the others said, it offers more opportunities for us in Idaho without having to buy points for 5 years in another state to get a shot at filling the freezer.
Okok so its not the popular opinion but at least I'm willing to sacrifice a little now if it helps the future of our tradition.

Matt, I understand that you are not just piling up antlers in your garage.
I buy two deer tags some years so I can hunt a muley and a whitetail in the same year. Like the others said, it offers more opportunities for us in Idaho without having to buy points for 5 years in another state to get a shot at filling the freezer.
you guys have big freezers mine will only fit one bull and one buck.
this is the explanation I guess, lets see I can feed my family red meat and enjoy hunting for one cost, or I can spend money hunting or fishing than spend even more money too buy red meat, I love hunting more than anything in my life other than my family and so why not combine the two and not have too deal with the non-fresh mass produced crap you buy in store's, not too mention the occasional e coli outbreak... I'd rather eat something that I take and process, I know where its been, and so on.... have you ever watched any of the shows that tell you about where your food you eat come from, start watching some informative shows.... but like you said too each his own....:D

For the price of an extra elk and deer tag you can pick your cow out on the hoof (here locally) and have it cut and wrapped the way you want. You end up with the same amount of meat if not more and avoid mass production.

I understand where EM is coming from. Owhyees are a great example. Thanks to the two deer allowed back in the day the herds aren't what they should be. The two-pt restriction hasn't helped and throw in the fact that one can shoot 2 out there, there isn't much chance of them ever being what they were. Is it okay to shoot two just because you can? Are we sacrificing the populations of the herds for our kids just because fish and game allows us to? Those are questions we all have to ask ourselves.

I won't hate on anyone that chooses to buy two deer and/or elk tags. Hopefully guys are at least taking them out of different units. In fact I am considering a second tag for a whitetail this year. It is your choice, but I believe things are headed towards controlled hunts over time if F&G doesn't act on it.
For the price of an extra elk and deer tag you can pick your cow out on the hoof (here locally) and have it cut and wrapped the way you want. You end up with the same amount of meat if not more and avoid mass production.

and than go and spend the money too go out hunting? you are than over what I would spend, my point is two for the price of one, plus you don't get all the fatty meat from a cow, wild game is way better for you.. I know I ranched in montana for awhile with my Dad and Grandpa, cook your 95/5 cow meat and you still get fat in the bottom of the pan than fry some antelope burger with no added fat, there is hardly non, you have too be careful not too burn it..... that's one of the reason's i'm 29 and still weigh 160 lbs with a six pack.. how many other people can say that.... sorry I ranted...
and than go and spend the money too go out hunting? you are than over what I would spendMatt

How do you figure??

that's one of the reason's i'm 29 and still weigh 160 lbs with a six pack.. how many other people can say that.... sorry I ranted...

Good for you. I know a guy who can pound milkshakes, greasy burgers and fries and still do the Ironman!!
I spend $100 in diesal, $60 in groceries, 2 deer tags $39.50, 2 antelope tags $77.50 = $277 with out scouting cause I hunt the same area for the past 9 years,

ready too butcher cow - $1000 w/o butcher fee,

so who makes out better?

How the heck are you getting two deer tags for 39.50? Two antelope tags for $77.50? Are you buying your wife tags? For the sake of the thread we are discussing an individual buying a second deer and elk tag. A second deer tag costs $300. To my knowledge we can't buy second pronghorn tags in Idaho. Cost would be roughly $715 for an extra elk and deer tag (non-ress fee).

Not sure how you come up with $1,000 before butcher fee...I can do much better.