I Thought The Blue Ribbers Didn't Break the Law!!!!


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Obviously this group doesn't advocate breaking the law, or illegaly using ATVs.... :rolleyes:

Director of off-road vehicle group cited for unlicensed outfitting
BOISE (AP) -- The director of the BlueRibbon Coalition has been placed on indefinite administrative leave after being cited earlier this month for outfitting without a license in the Sawtooth National Forest.

Bill Dart was placed on leave without pay pending resolution of the charge against him, said Clark Collins, former director of the off-road vehicle group who is serving as acting director in the interim.

"We're taking this very seriously," Collins said on Monday from the organization's headquarters in Pocatello. "Right now, it's a board matter."

Dart did not immediately respond to a telephone request from The Associated Press for comment.

But Collins emphasized that "the plain fact of the matter is that in our legal system he's innocent until proven guilty, and that's pretty much where we're at."

Forest Service spokesman Ed Waldapfel said Dart was cited by enforcement agent Breck Young on Aug. 20 for providing backcountry motorcycle tours for a price to an unknown number of clients.

Waldapfel said the fine is $250 and could be paid by mail or contested in court. There was no indication on Monday whether Dart would contest the citation.

Jake Howard, director of the state Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board said that if the Forest Service citation stands up the board would likely prosecute Dart for illegal outfitting.

Dart became the coalition's executive director last fall after serving as its public lands director since mid-2002. He replaced Collins, the group's co-founder who has been concentrating full-time on fund-raising and membership development.

Before that, he was an official for the American Motorcyclist Association in California.
Kinduv a big setback for the fatassed ATV crowd, having their leader thrown in the clink! Isn't Bill Dart the guy who's always talking about ethics and responsibility? Now that we know what Bill's really like, are we to believe all the stuff he's been saying for years in defense of the BRC and the ATV crowd? If I had been naive enough to send any $ to the BRC I'd sure want it back now!

This is kinda like a director of RMEF, FNAWS or DU getting caught poaching!

Of course, Gunner and I have been trying to warn you all about the BRC for a long time, but some of you wouldn't listen. :rolleyes:
hahha, funny chit. Its like the president of the traditional bowhunters association being caught hunting illegally with a crossbow.
Wouldn't you feel like a fool if you gave money to both the Blue Ribbers and the Anti-Wolf Coalition??? :rolleyes:

"I am extremely proud to have the opportunity to lead the BlueRibbon Coalition into its next phase of evolution," stated incoming Executive Director Bill Dart. "Clark Collins has done an incredible job of building the BlueRibbon Coalition into one of the most respected and effective organizations of it kind, and I hope to continue the example Collins has set while taking BlueRibbon to the next level"
Bill Dart, executive director for the BlueRibbon Coalition, said, "The notifying organizations support responsible recreational use of public lands, and believe that ongoing vehicle access and sensitive species protection need not be mutually exclusive management goals at the CCMA."

"Unfortunately, BLM has failed to actively or adequately implement its own management goals at the Area, unlawfully subjecting vehicle-based recreationists to further and unwarranted restrictions," Dart concludes.
I'm not a member of the BRC, and don't have an interest in becoming one.

Kinduv a big setback for the fatassed ATV crowd, having their leader thrown in the clink!
I would like you to back that statement up.
All I could find was that he was cited, and could pay a 250 dollar fine.
Please don't tell lies.
mike, Sorry, I was saying that kinda "tongue in cheek". He hasn't been thrown in the slammer yet. Wonder what will happen when the Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board prosecutes him for illegal outfitting?

When some public figure in a high profile position of responsibility gets nabbed for something like this I think it's a good idea to make an example of him. I'm sure the BRC and all the fatasses would see the wisdom in demanding that he be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. That's about the only way they'll be able to salvage any credibility outta this.

Any fatassed ATV rider who has been sending $ to the BRC boys should be threatening to resign if the Coalition doesn't take swift action if Bill is found guilty.

About ten years ago the Director of Idaho Steelhead and Salmon United was caught poaching a bighorn sheep. ISSU just looked the other way when he was convicted and it caused them to lose all credibility. Many members quit over it and the F&G Dept. stopped being so friendly with ISSU. Before that ISSU had been on very favorable status with ID F&G, but what would you expect a F&G Dept. to do when the head of a local conservation group is convicted of poaching and doesn't get fired?

Now, if Bill is convicted and the fatassed BRC ATV crowd doesn't take swift and sure action you can expect any gummint agency they're dealing with to be pretty upset over it.
Wap., Maybe you didn't read what Del posted at the top of SI.

"we've instructed the admins/mods to start deleting any posts containng name calling or other nasty posts. Watch what you say, as the entire post gets deleted, not just the name-calling part."
Originally posted by Ithaca 37:
Wap., Maybe you didn't read what Del posted at the top of SI.

"we've instructed the admins/mods to start deleting any posts containng name calling or other nasty posts. Watch what you say, as the entire post gets deleted, not just the name-calling part."

](Quote)Ithaca:Kinduv a big setback for the fatassed ATV crowd, having their leader thrown in the clink!

Oh like yer FATASS ATV CROWD you lump everyone in? That's the exact reason I did it, MR. FLIP FLOPPER! Abide by the rules and so too will I!!!
What exactly did this guy [Dart] hurt? did he go off road where he wasn`t supposed to? did he ruin the forest? did he cut new trails?

The guy was, allegedly, illegally outfitting in Idaho on Federal Lands.

Generally on Federal Lands, there has to be a "bona fide" sharing of the expenses and providing of the equipment. No member of a group can come out "materially" ahead.

On a private river trip on a river managed by the Feds, in Idaho (ie... Middle Fork Salmon, Main Salmon, Selway, Snake, etc...) everybody in the group signs a paper saying that it is a private trip, and the expenses are shared "equitable".

If you violate this, you are then outfitting on Federal Lands without a permit, a problem. Then, as you are doing it in Idaho, you have another problem.
Not a member of the BRC, nor did I say that anyone was not capable of breaking any laws. I speak for myself, and can give no guarantees for anyone else.

EG, how fast did you drive to the office today? Same thing.
Ten, You think driving over the speed limit on the way to work is the same as organizing a trip for multiple people on motorized vehichles thru the NF and charging them for the service? I don't know why I even bother to read your posts anymore. I'm gonna start skipping over them.
Show me where it is different. :rolleyes:
Remember the old saying: "Let he who is without guilt cast the first stone" (Jesus). Or would it be more appropriate to say: "People that live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones"?
I think the "clients" have some exposure, but unlike hunting clients of illegal outfitters, I don't think the penalty is too great.

Some of the day-use rivers here have signs in the bathrooms asking people if their outfitter is licensed, and I think it mentions some sort of penalty for not using a licensed one. I know Alaska is real serious about unlicensed guides and pinches the hunter pretty hard.