I might have been a bit annoyed this morning...


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
So, I had to draft a letter to an incompetent attorney today....

"blah, blah, blah. This firm represents the Plaintiff, XYZ Company in the above referenced case number in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial Distirct . ABC Construction filed a Claim of Lien againist the property that is the subject of this forelosure action. As such, ABC Construction and its principals were named as Defendants in the lawsuit because they claimed an interest in the property by virture of the lien. XYZ Company does not allege that these parties owed XYZ Company any money, rather XYZ Company seeks a determination by the Court of the priorties of the various liens and interests claimed in this property. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me."​

So here is my draft of a response back to him. Copy to Judge John Doe

Mr. Benjamin Franklin
Jefferson Hamilton
123 West Blue Oak Street, Suite 100
Montour, ID 83702

Re: XYZ Corporation v. Crankwind Ows, et al.
Case No. CV OC 074nn289
Your file no. 325.024

Dear Mr. Franklin,

Thank you for your facsimile transmission of January 26, 2009. It is most helpful in me understanding you are without a clue in the practice of law. I am guessing your Admission to the Bar was the highpoint of your legal career and likely the point when you should have retired from practice of law. Based upon your careless and wreckless attention, or, more accurately lack of attention to detail you have proven that supervision by senior partners at Jefferson Hamilton would be warranted. Hopefully you will take this advice and constructive criticism in the spirit it is intended.

I would suggest in the future you perhaps engage with your client to understand the parties that actually have involvement in the actions you file suit. As of right now, you are damaging Mary Jones and Joe Jones with your malpractice and if this damage continues, we will be seeking court action and associated damages from you and your firm along with filing a complaint with the State Bar Association detailing your incompetence in the practice of law.

blah..blah... bah....
Impressive. You shoulda mentioned the Mercedes though.
Good bluff call Jose. I'd be interested to see the edited response if you recieve one.
I didn't know Mr. Lucas was helping out in the Jones'... ;)

PS- I'd by you a bottle of Boone's if you let Greenhorn write the first paragraph! :D
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