PEAX Equipment

I drew Antlerless Elk tag!!!!

Fire Hawk

New member
Apr 18, 2003
I know that I have drawn a tag. Which one I applied for, I have no idea as of yet. All I know is that the credit card has been charged for the elk tag.

I have applied for a Muzzleloader only tag on the back side of Monte Cristo that I am sure I drew. It is a late season permit so I could be doing a lot of snowshoeing in December. I should find out by the middle of next week which tag I drew. I will keep you all informed.

I have hunted elk for several years but have not taken one yet. I assume I am finally due. We'll have to wait and see.

Fire Hawk
Congrats Firehawk

Let us know for sure.
If the hunt is in December, there may be some still hanging around the Deseret border. Just make sure you know where it is, they don't like people crossing that fence.

Good luck, I hope I get drawn also.
Congratulations Fire Hawk.....I applaud your tenacity through the years and wish you the greatest success on your hunt this year. It will be quite anxious at your place until you find out for sure which unit.....Good Luck!
Thanks for all the encouragement. Here it is several days later and I still don't know which unit I drew. I have a feeling that I drew the Muzzleloader tag that I mentioned.
I actually didn't mean to have that as my first choice, but I knew that the odds of drawing were high. We aren't supposed to know officially until 7-31. I imagine I will recieve my letter either Saturday or Monday.
Until then, I will continue to prepare my Muzzleloader for the upcoming deer hunt. It is only two months away, this is crazy but exciting.

Thanks and I will keep all informed. FH
Fire Hawk, Congrats on the tag! If you don't receive anything by mail on Thursday, I think you should be able to get on DWR's website to check it out. I know I'll be putting in for the second drawing then. Good luck on your hunt!
Well the letter arrived today. I drew the Muzzleloader Cow Elk tag I mentioned earlier in the post. The hunt runs from Nov 29- Dec 31. I will be hunting the Rich County side of the Monte Cristo and Cache ranges. North of Hwy 39 and South of Hwy 89 up Logan Canyon but ONLY on the Rich County side.

If any of you have any experience or ideas for me I would appreciate it. I am thinking of a couple of spots that might be worth trying but please let me know of any insider information that might help me out.

I am really excited to have finally drawn. I really did my homework to find a hunt that had good odds of drawing and in an area that I knew something about.

I am a little nervous that the animals will leave the area and head to Hardware Ranch too quickly. Only time will tell.

By the way, No antlerless deer tags again this year. That is okay as one elk makes up for a lot of doe deer. I will still have a Muzzleloader Deer hunt in the Northern Region to fulfill in September too. Should be a lot of fun. Thanks for the encouragement. FH
I will be shooting a TC Fire Hawk in .54 caliber shooting 110 grains of RS and a 535 grain No Excuses conical. This is a very accurate combination and I am very confident with it out to at least 125 yards. I consistently practice out to 150 yards and can cover my groups with my hand.

I might also try my new Cabelas Hawken that I built from a kit. It will shoot a 375 grain lead conical quite accurately as well. I am still working on "tweeking" the load for it though. We'll have to wait and see.

That "No Excuses" is one heck of a bullet. A 535 gr .54 should really flatten any cow elk it runs into.
Good luck with the hunt, I hope you get a big one.
Remember, I want a full report on bullet preformance ( I shoot a 490/.50 No Excuses )But I haven't killed any big game with it yet.
Fire HAwk, Excuse my Being bust not to Congratulate you on your tag !!! Fetchin' AWSOME !!!! I can't wait to see some pictures !!! WIll be Awsome. Should have snow that time of year. I like snow
I also Like Sheep and Cheese but I'll leave that to another topic

Seriously though, Kudos Again 'Mate !!!
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