I am HuntTalk's Greatest Shot at Ducks


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Yeppers, I went hunting this morning with Moosie, and not to brag, but I ended up bringing home more ducks to clean than shots I fired. :eek:

I must have got a "double", or even a "triple" that I forgot about, 'cuz when Moosie sorted the Ducks, I had lots, he had none... :(
Maybe Moosie was caught up in the holiday spirit of giving. I know I have sloughed off ducks and geese on my "friends" because my freezer was full and I couldn't make jerky fast enough. My "friends" still are thanking me for that gift.

Funny thing is Kelby Ended up with 2 also..... But if you look at the Pictures I'm gunna Post, It's Me in the Pics with "your guy's" ducks :) HAHA !!

My goal this year was to come home with "0" ducks... I'm gunna count how many we've taken and how many I've taken home. I know I ended up with my limit Last week but that was Because the Other guy limited too.

Gunner.. BTW, Good shooting this morning !!!!!
4 mallards and a "shitter" duck. Kelby whacked the "shitter", and I just seemed to shoot the mallard drakes....

What time you gonna be home tomorrow? I can bring those white geese by either Friday or Saturday, as we will have B-Ball games all day, both days in your neighborhood. (Lowell Scott and Riverglen)
and I just seemed to shoot the mallard "drakes"....

Then who capped the Hen boss ? And Thats they way the story crumbles....... :p

Wally, We hunt a local area (small pond) for ducks. 90% of the time it's MAllards, 9% teal, and 1% others..... We had hit the river for them and saw Different variety. Know any spots I can pick up a few "OTHER" ducks besides the ones I have ? Spoons ? Around here ? Whistlers ? Don't know what those are, Buffleheads ? heading out to the River to try again Sunday probably....
A couple of days ago I got a double on 2 greenheads as they circled the deeks with 1 shot. The thing that shocked me most were they were both stone cold dead when the dog brought them back. She was my only witness so I don't expect anybody to believe me. I then had a flock of 20 honkers land on the ice 75 yards up river from me. So I will be back the next day with a few goose deeks. I was lazy the first day doing more jump shooting and had a few duck deeks in my pack. So I put out a half a dozen goose shells on the ice and an hour before sunset the geese start flying. Nothing in range then a flock of 5 are locked in and then they flare as I see movement out of the corner of my eye. Right above the deeks going towards them is a bald eagle. He just cruises down the river as they head away. JerryM
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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